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Motivation Monday

Motivation Monday – Your Health

By November 12, 2012December 20th, 20129 Comments

Women's Fitness


How True is this? Your healthy and your body is your responsibility! I wish that I could come around with each one of you and motivate you to keep up the good work, tell you what to eat and what not to eat, and push you HARD in your workout.


I can’t, and it’s OUR individual responsibility to better ourselves. Take time to look through the blog and get as many resources as you can to help you make the right decisions.


Are there any topics you want to cover? Let me know below!


See also:

A Goal Without a Deadline…

Shortcuts Are Often….

Strive for Progression Not…

Yesterday You Said Tomorrow


Join the discussion 9 Comments

  • Michelle says:

    Hi Flavia – one topic I would like to see you cover is too much exercise. How do you know when you are exercising too much? For instance, I want shapely legs, so I do about 2-3 different leg workouts per week. I find that my legs are almost constantly sore though (the “good” kind, not from an injury), so am I doing more harm than good?

  • Dana says:

    Yes it is our responsibility! 🙂 Personally if I don’t eat often enough I get hangry(so hungry you get angry lol) and in the past I’ve taken it out on my poor husband! No more though, is our responsibility to take care of our bodies and our moods! Thanks for keeping these emails up Flavia 🙂

  • Binita says:

    Hi Flavia,

    You’ve hit the nail on the head. I’m a mother of two children and if I can’t be bothered to look after my health, what sort of example am I setting my kids? I want to be able to run around after them without collapsing, and I want them to grow up fit, healthy and strong.

    PS: Your curvalicious exercises are fantastic. After school, we get down on the living room floor and do the plank together!

    Thanks for your motivational posts. Keep it up 🙂

  • Les says:

    I echo Michelle. I saw a Sports Injury Therapist who said I overdid it and now I need some work on various imbalances.

    Thanks Flavia!

  • Amanda A says:

    Hi Flavia,

    I am on week three of Curvalicious and I love it. I know it is really early, but I always stay more focused if I know what I am going to do next. I have Muscilicious and I was wondering if I should do that next or get Full Body Licious. I still need to loose some body fat, and doubt I will be at that goal by the time I finish Curvalicious. If I did Muscilicious I would stay at 5 days a week by making the extra day an ab and cardio day. Including that cardio I would do at least 3 HIIT cardio sessions a week. I would also add an ab circuit at the begining of each workout. I am at 130 lbs and 5’4″. I don’t have specific weight goal since I want to gain muscle, but I know I have a lot more fat to loose. Should I loose more fat before I start Muscilicious? If so would Full Body Licious be the way to go? Also how many weeks should I do each? Thank you so much for the workouts and the help.

    • Flavia says:

      Hey Amanda, that’s great! Welcome.

      Musclicious will work for sure and your suggestions are what I would have suggested 🙂 But… the workouts are more geared towards muscle building so if you would rather do more of a “burn” workout, than FBL would be a better choice.

      Hope that helps.

  • Amanda A says:

    Thanks! That helps a lot. I want to build muscle too. I will do the Muscilicious first then FBD.

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