AbsArmsBackChestGlutesLegsShoulders Week 7 of 8 (New Workout) Time to change things us ladies and gents.…FlaviaJune 16, 2016
Workouts Kettlebell Workout for Women (Workout Wednesday Videos) Guest Post by Neghar Fonooni author of Lean…FlaviaJuly 30, 2014
AbsLegsWorkouts 5 Moves to Tone & Tighten Your Inner Thighs & Abs (Workout Wednesday) Ab & Inner Thigh Workout: 15 Sliding…FlaviaJuly 2, 2014
Uncategorized How To Gain Feminine Muscle Without Bulking (Ask Flavia Fridays) How Women Gain Healthy Weight Without Bulking…FlaviaJune 27, 2014
Uncategorized Fitness Tip Tuesday – Incline Biceps Curl Incline Biceps Curl Muscles Used: Biceps How…FlaviaMay 20, 2014
Uncategorized Fitness Tip Tuesday – Reverse Lunge Reverse Alternating Lunge: Muscles Used: Hamstrings, Quads,…FlaviaMay 13, 2014
Motivation Monday Motivation Monday – Ability. Motivation. Attitude. Inspiring Workout Quotes "Ability is what you're capable…FlaviaNovember 18, 2013
Workouts Workout Wednesday: LEG TONING Sept 4, 2012 Goal - tighten up midsection…FlaviaSeptember 5, 2012
Stretching Flexible Friday – Chest and Shoulder Stretch Stand with your feet together. Interweave your…FlaviaJuly 6, 2012