Motivation Monday How Do You Want To Feel This Summer? (Motivation Monday) Instead of Wishing and Wanting, Start Doing! How…FlaviaMarch 2, 2015
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Albert Einstein
Motivation Monday Love Yourself (Motivation Monday) Love yourself first and everything else falls into…FlaviaFebruary 16, 2015
Motivation Monday You Only Live Once (Motivation Monday) You only live once, but if you do…FlaviaFebruary 9, 2015
Motivation Monday There are 2 Great Days In One’s Life (Motivation Monday) There are two great days in a person's…FlaviaFebruary 2, 2015
Motivation Monday Giving Up (Motivation Monday) The most common way people give up their…FlaviaJanuary 26, 2015
Motivation Monday Life is 10% What Happens (Motivation Monday) Life is 10% what happens to me and…FlaviaJanuary 19, 2015
Motivation Monday Success vs Value (Motivation Monday) Strive not to be a success, but rather…FlaviaJanuary 12, 2015