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Motivation Monday

Life Works Inside Out

By June 15, 2015June 5th, 20165 Comments

Our life is never on the outside. It is always on the inside. The invisible life always produces the visible life. Like works 'inside out'. - Cloud

Life Works Inside Out

inspirational quotes of the day


Our life is never on the outside. It is always on the inside. The invisible life always produces the visible life. Like works ‘inside out’. -Cloud

This quote couldn’t be more real for me this week. Last week we experience a tragedy that shocked us to our core. “The invisible life produces the visible life”…how true!

Although studying psychology a little in Nursing school, I don’t know much about depression, eating disorders, anxiety or any such mental health conditions. From what I gather there are chemical imbalances but there are also underlying dynamics that cause such conditions.

I look at Milia several times a day and tell her how much I love her, that I am so glad she is a girl, and that no matter what she does, mommy will never be disappointed that I had her.

Love is the most powerful force on the planet. 

If you suffer from any mental illness, please reach out for help. You are not alone and you don’t have to suffer alone.

May peace and love be on your side as you read this today.


Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Loni says:

    Indeed, so many things going on inside us and inside others that we take for granted, yet at the same time those things on the inside impact us the most.Thank you.

  • Gracie says:

    This post has completely changed my mindset.

    What goes on inside of us effects everything that goes on outside of us. Whether it is negative, positive, discouraging or encouraging. What happens on the inside effects how we view what is on the outside.

    The way we talk to ourselves is a prime example of this. If our mental mindset is in a place of darkness and negativity, it effects our thoughts, feelings and actions towards ourselves and others. If we are stuck in a mental mindset in which we constantly tell ourselves, “I’m not pretty enough, not thin enough, not good enough, not attractive enough, not curvy enough for those people to like me.” Or, “I don’t deserve to eat because I’m too fat. My thighs are too big. I’m too ugly to deserve food or self love or kindness. So I’m going to starve myself so that I can be pretty enough, thin enough, good enough.”
    But how we talk to ourselves effects everything. If we are stuck in a mindset like or similar to the one mentioned above, this effects a lot. If we think of ourselves in this way and keep feeding ourselves these kinds of thoughts, our feelings toward ourselves will reflect these thoughts. And all of a sudden, how we look at ourselves in the mirror reflects these thoughts. We go from thinking these things on the inside to seeing them on the outside when we look in the mirror. Not only will this effect the perceptions we have of ourselves and others, but how we view and see ourselves can shape the way we think others view and see us.
    If we constantly feed ourselves negative and degrading thoughts, it can lead to not only neglecting and mistreating ourselves due to the fact that we feel like our self-worth is so low that we don’t think we deserve better. But it can lead to us mistreating others, whether doing so is intentional or not. It can lead to jealousy, because we might feel as though we’re not good enough because a certain person in our lives has something that we don’t. And this unfortunately only reinforces and encourages more negative thoughts.

    But we can change this.

    We can choose to feed ourselves positive thoughts. We can choose to tell ourselves that we are beautiful enough, pretty enough, good enough, attractive enough. We can be kind to ourselves, and love ourselves, and appreciate and embrace ourselves for who we are and how we look and tell ourselves that we deserve so much more than we give ourselves. We deserve so much better than the negative thoughts we feed ourselves and how we mistreat ourselves. So what if we do not meet society’s distorted and unrealistic view of what is beautiful? That does not mean that we should punish ourselves by not eating, constantly picking out our flaws, feeding ourselves negative thoughts, and not loving and being kind to ourselves. Our self worth is not defined by our jeans size, the number on the scale, the amount of Calories we eat or don’t eat, whatbml magazines and the media say is beautiful, or what other people think of us.
    We can choose to feed ourselves positive thoughts. 🙂

    • Barbara Kelly says:

      I think Flavia’s post and your’s Loni are beautiful as applying to ourselves but it is very disheartening when a partner often puts you down in front of friends or rellies – it is very hard to overcome. I wish that those who have mental problems would be referred by their GP to a good psychologist, it really does help in so many ways. Not everyone has a happy childhood and those who don’t can often end up with problems later in life – poor mental health is often looked down on by others and that is why many people retreat within themselves which compounds the problem. I try very hard to be positive.

  • Patrice Raymond says:

    Inside of us is what really drives us. Do we really understand how much our soul is connected to our body? While we live and breathe and have our being, everything around is outside enough that we can choose to ignore some of it. But what’s inside can’t be ignored because it constantly haunts is to deal with whatever issues we have. Whether they are past, present, or future, we must continually evaluate and re-evaluate. Our soul is affected by what we do to our body. We make choices with our body constantly that either grieve or activate the soul. An activated state drives us in a direction that seeks joy, well being, peace. Like Gracie said we need to watch our self talk. And do the “stop thought“ when we catch ourselves beginning to grieve our soul. So the question is what do I choose to focus on, filled my mind with? What I will fill my mind and heart with is what will come out of me so I want to choose to fill my mind and heart with love Instead of judging, controlling, avenging, etc. However that looks in practical ways, be it loving myself and loving others at any given time, I find my soul and body at peace and in joy

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