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Motivation Monday

Winners never quite (Motivation Monday)

By November 24, 20142 Comments


Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit.

Happy Monday Everyone!

Monday is the most hated day of the week. I know, I can be a little blah on a Monday after spending so much time with family and relaxing, BUT it actually is a day I look forward to. It is a start to a new beginning, a day I that allows me to forget about yesterday and it is the day I decide that I start working towards my goals on a blank canvas. I have been good at sticking to my goals, even on weekends… Some weekends, though, I give in and indulge a little. On Mondays I know I am starting new and I do not let my past failures get me down. SO what do I do on a regular Monday? I write out my weeks goals, look up motivational quotes to encourage myself to eat well and hit the gym.

What motivates me:

Motivational Quotes that remind me of why I want what I want and encourage me to go after it.

Music because it gets me up and moving at the gym.

My Recipes because they help me to take care of my body.

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