Pregnancy ExercisesWorkouts Week 04 of the 12 Week Challenge (After Baby #2) We are already onto week 4. LOVE how…FlaviaNovember 4, 2015
Pregnancy ExercisesWorkouts Week 03 of the 12 Week Challenge (After Baby #2) . We are well on our way heading…FlaviaOctober 28, 2015
Pregnancy ExercisesWorkouts Week 02 of my 12 Week Challenge (After Baby #2) How was last week's workout? If you aren't…FlaviaOctober 21, 2015
Pregnancy ExercisesWorkouts 12 Week Workout Challenge (After Baby #2) Well it's time to get back into the…FlaviaOctober 14, 2015
Workouts Total Body Tone Up with Cardio Here's a workout that will get you toned…FlaviaSeptember 9, 2015
Workouts Exercise Intense Fat Burning Circuit 14 EXERCISE INTENSE FAT-BURNING CIRCUIT *Do each exercise back…FlaviaAugust 26, 2015
AbsArmsBackChestGlutesHome WorkoutsLegsShouldersUpper BodyWorkouts The ‘Do Anywhere’ Bodyweight Workout Your body is the best training equipment in…FlaviaAugust 18, 2015
AbsBackLegs Total Body Fat-Burning Workout Warmup: A1. Bodyweight lunge - 15/leg A2. Hip…FlaviaJuly 22, 2015
ArticlesFull-Body 7 Exercises That Will Transform Your Body Here are the best of the best moves…FlaviaJuly 15, 2015