How To: Lie on the mat with knees bent and feet together. Hold a dumbbell in both hands, overhead. Your arms should be straight with a slight bend at the elbow. Contract your core muscles and focus on using them to lift your torso up off the floor. As you come up, bring the dumbbell down slightly to shoulder height and keep there until returning to the start position.
Beginner Version: Use a weight on your feet to help keep them on the floor. Leave dumbbell out then work you way up to a small weight.
Advanced Version: Perform on a decline bench.
Target Muscle: Rectus Abdominus
Secondary Muscles: Obliques, Quadriceps
Stabilizers: Pectoralis Major, Pectoralis Minor, Deltoid Anterior, Serratus Anterior, Triceps
It really helps that you posted a more advanced version of this abdominal exercise. I’ve been doing dumbbell sit-ups for a long time, and I’m starting to feel strong enough to go onto more advanced exercises. Doing this exercise on a decline bench seems like a good way to make this exercise more challenging. Thanks for the tips!
Great article , thank you
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