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3 Tips For Making The PERFECT Juice!

  • Drink fresh vegetable juice on an empty stomach when possible. Juicing after you have eaten will slow down the absorption of the vitamins and minerals found in juice. Don’t be surprised if indigestion or heartburn occur. This isn’t uncommon.
  • Treat the juice like a multivitamin. Many people make the mistake of thinking that juicing is a meal replacement when it isn’t. You should be consuming food within 20 – 30 minutes of juicing. If juicing following a meal, wait 20 minutes before consuming. Good to note that drinking your juice immediately after juicing is always best.
  • One last tip is to use your juice as a teeth healer or preserver, by swishing it around in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing. Veggies are full of vitamins and minerals that will help prevent tooth decay. Once you have finished your juice, swish water around your mouth to remove any leftover residue from the natural sugars.

Another benefit to swishing fresh vegetable juice in your mouth is to stimulate more saliva production. The digestive enzymes in saliva will help your body digest the juice and improve the absorption of the vitamins and minerals into your cells.

Now For your Recipes:


5.0 from 1 reviews
Virgin Caesar Juicing Recipe
Recipe type: Beverage
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 1
If you like drinking alcoholic caesars, you'll love this virgin juicing recipe. It's a healthy alternative and one that you can drink on a regular basis.
  • 1 large tomato
  • 1 large red bell pepper
  • 2 large celery stalks
  • ½ lime
  • 2 inch piece of ginger
  • dash of salt and pepper
  • 3 drops of Worcestershire or hot sauce of choice
  1. Juice tomato, pepper, celery and lime into glass.
  2. Add 3 drops of hot sauce and stir.
  3. sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper.
  4. Drink fresh.





I love making this recipe! It tastes like you are drinking a caesar. Let me know what you think!




Here are two other recipes I would love for you to try! Those of you office workers will benefit greatly from these two recipes. Your juice can last in the fridge for 24 hours. Again, fresh is best, but it’s always better to drink it a little less fresh than not drinking any at all.


Protect Your Eyes Juice

2 large carrots

1 large apple

1 lemon

My absolute fav juicing recipe is carrots and ginger — oh yum!

healthy juice recipes

ABC Energy Boost – Apple, Beet & Carrot

2 large apples

1 large or 2 small beats

1 large carrot

It is very common for people to feel low in energy part way through the day, especially if your job requires you to sit down all day or to do repetitive work. This juice will give you a natural boost, possibly more than your coffee will. If you are able to somehow juice at work, that is perfect recipe for you.

Thank You for reading!

What are your favourite juicing recipe?

Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Italia says:

    Great juicing recipes! I have been juicing for close to 10 years after a cancer diagnosis. It assimilates good vitamins into the body and bloodstream quickly. Thanks for these.

  • Gracie says:

    My favorite juicing recipe is:
    1-2 cups spinach
    1 red bell pepper
    1/2-1 cup carrots
    1 red apple
    A couple blueberries
    1/2 a lime
    However much water I prefer to add. I like my juice/smoothie to have a thick texture so I add a medium amount of water.
    I love this recipe it tastes amazing! I love your recipe too, Flavia! And I really like tip #3 of Making The Perfect Juice! I’m going to try that!

  • Dana says:

    Are you juicing these in a juicer, or making a smoothie in a vitamix (or another high powered blender). Thanks!

  • Jan says:

    I love your input, thanks. I don’t juice but do smoothies in my Blendtec, any recipes ? So many have too many calories. Thanks.

  • Susie klemmt says:

    My favorite juice is “green Lemonade”:
    1 apple (granny smith will keep juice green; red skinned will color it a bit)
    1 cucumber
    1 stalk celery
    1 lemon (or lime – cut peel off first)

    It really wakes up your taste buds and tastes great! thank for all your free recipes!
    I bought your cook book and love it!

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