Happy Workout Wednesday!
Thank You for stopping by my page. We are continuing our Strengthening Challenge workout series to create a strong, but SEXY body.
It is vital that women, especially as we age, work on strengthening our body. We want create a solid foundation to preform daily routines well. If we don’t look after ourselves, we will find our weak body susecptible to injury and sickness.
An intelligent workout design will take into account all the muscles in your body to ensure you are creating balance.
How To Create Balance In The Body
Full-Body-Licious and Curvalicious (as well as the workouts of this blog) focuses on creating balance between the muscle and joints. Incorporating stability muscles, along-side bigger muscle groups, is vital for proper joint, tendon, and opposing muscle strength.
An opposing muscle is better stated as a muscle antagonist. The muscle that you are working is the agonist. The antagonist is in opposition.
In general, each primary muscle group is either a push muscle group or a pull muscle group:
- Push Muscles – muscles that contract as the weight is pushed away from the body.
- Pull Muscles – muscles that contract as the weight is pulled toward the body.
Today I have a horizontal Push and Pull workout for you to try.
Unfortunately, I was unable to film this workout but by clicking on each exercise below, you can see how to execute the technique properly. As always, if you have any questions please post them below.
WHO IS READY FOR A CHALLENGE?? Let’s get started!
Warm up 20 reps
Exercise combo one – 3 supersets 12-10-8
Exercise combo two – 3 supersets 15-12-10
Exercise combo three – 3 supersets 15-15-15
Exercise four – Triceps Challenge increase 1 rep each week
Exercise combo five – 21s: 3 supersets of 21
Warm up — 10 reps of any chest exercise (bodyweight – ex. Chest fly) + 10 reps of any back exercises (bodyweight – ex. bent over row)
Exercise Combo #1
Push-Up 12-10-8
Exercise Combo #2
Incline Fly 15-12-10 (Exercise #2, Dumbbell Fly when you follow link)
One-Arm Dumbbell Row (see Exercise #3 when you follow link)
Exercise Combo #3
Incline Chest Press 15-15-15 (Exercise #1 in video when you follow link)
Bent-Over Row (wide-grip) or T-bar row (Exercise #4 in video when you follow link)
Exercise #4
Triceps Challenge 3 sets of 5-5-5 (Follow link to watch video)
Exercise Combo #5
High Cable Biceps Curl
Triceps Pressdown (3- 21’s)
This particular style of workout comes from my latest program Musclicious. Musclicious is a complete 4 training day to get your body’s metabolism working as hot as a furnace; burning calories ALL DAY LONG.
And who doesn’t love a pair a toned luscious legs and round, tight booty?
If you like this workout, you are going to LOVE Musclicious. Check it out all here:
==> Musclicious — giving you a sexy feminine body
Questions? Post below 🙂 Have a wonderful day.
Here all the other workouts in this series:
Workout #1 of 4 — Hot Butt and Nice Abs Workout
Workout #2 of 4 — Inner Thigh Toning Workout
Workout #4 of 4 — Strength Conditioning Fat-Burning Workout
Hi, can you clarify what the musclicious workouts are…as in is it just four workouts along with nutrition info, etc?
Hi Rachel, I am a fellow reader like yourself and I think I can answer your question.
Muscilicious is a workout and nutrition program that is intelligently designed to help women achieve a toned physique. It is a muscle building program in which there is four workouts per week that are all different. The nutrition plan is extremely beneficial and helpful, the information is the highest quality information i have personally ever come across. This entire program is all laid out for you and is very well-organized and easy to understand and all the guess work is eliminated. This is truly an amazing program!
I hope this helps! 🙂
Thank you Gracie!! 🙂 Let us know you if you have any other questions Rachel.
All the best!
Anna, CPT, FF Specialist
Thanks but I’m still unsure as to how many workouts there are? Is it just four different work outs total, done on different days of the week and and done for a number of weeks?
Hi Rachel. Yes, it is just 4 different workouts total. Flavia shows you how to progress and improve from week to week, using those 4 different workouts.
All the best!
Anna, CPT, FF Specialist
hi flavia!!! i just baught your musclicious program and i have some questions for it. My husband is an osteopath, physiotherapit and accupancturist. We have a practice with a gym and we are working every morning there. we have the cybex machine, a functional raw machine and free weights, bars,balls etc. is it possible to replace the exercises with machines like smith machine, leg press, legs extensions and legs curl with another ?
Hi Anastasia,
Absolutely! Here are the at home substitutions I have typed up for the full Musclicious program. Let us know if you need anything else! 🙂
Day 1:
Exercise 1 – Dumbbell squat
Exercise 2 – Stationary lunges (holding dumbbells)
Exercise 4 – Wall sits (hold for 30 – 60 seconds, add weight as your progress don’t worry about the drop set)
Day 2:
Perform all cable exercises as prescribed except use resistance band rather than gym cable.
exercise 4: (tricep challenge) chair dips. Perform 10 reps and add weight as you progress. (dumbbell in your lap)
Day 3 –
Exercise 1: Use dumbbells instead of barbell
Exercise 3: perform with just bodyweight and start holding dumbbells as you progress
Exercise 4: stability leg curl, place dumbbell across hips to increase intensity.
Exercise 5: Hold dumbbells rather than use the bar.
Day 4 –
Exercise 1: I highly suggest picking up a pull up bar from Walmart or your local sporting goods store.
All cable exercises, try to mimic the same angle using a resistance band rather than gym cables.
All the best,
Anna, CPT, FF Specialist
hi again ! what is the defference between musclicious and curvalicious? how can i realise witch is the best for me? if i train in the morning witch nutrition program i have to do? thank you!
Hi Anastasia,
Curvalicious is muscle focused on will help tighten and tone your muscles nicely but is done in circuit form to also help with fat loss. Musclicious is designed to build muscle, focusing more on giant sets, supersets, and working with lower rep ranges.
All the best!
Anna, CPT, FF Specialist
thank you very much! I will strart doing the program frm monday!!! iam so enthousiasm with flavia s workouts and all the side ! it s great!!
good mornig again! i just finish with my first training in musclicious program! it was great! i m exausted! i feel that it works! my goal is to loose fat and build muscle. and of course flavia is my idol on this trial. i no i need diet also and i am doing what flavia says and i have special program… do you thing it s ok to continue with muscliicious ? it will help me to loose fat also and quickly? or its better the curvalicious? sorry if am asking to much, i now you will advise me the best!! thank you!!
Hi Anastasia,
Yes, keeping using Musclicious since it is the program you have and you’re working hard, that’s what counts! Stick to your diet, add in a few cardio sessions, and you should see great results with Musclicious.
All the best!
Anna, CPT, FF Specialist
thank you! i will try to do my best! the workouts are 4 times a week. how is the best way to do them? monday-tuesday-wednesday off- thursday-friday is ok? or in a different way? how can i put my cardios in the program? thank you !
Hi Anastasia,
It is really up to you and what works best for your schedule, there isn’t a right or wrong as long as you get them done. 2 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 2 days off is the way I prefer to do it. You can choose to do cardio on the days you are off from weights or you can do cardio after any of your weight training sessions.
All the best,
Anna, CPT, FF Specialist
hi there again! is it possible to do this programme-the musclicious programme- in a circuit type? and if yes are the benefits same? or not? i do it like you advice me with the changes i needed!! thank you
Hi Anastasia,
You can do it in circuit form if you wish to get more of a metabolic/conditioning fat loss workout out of it rather than a hypertrophy/muscle building workout which the original format is intended for. Neither is right or wrong, it just depends on your goals at the moment.
All the best,
Anna, CPT, FF Specialist
please can i replace the exercises of chin-up of the day 4? thank you again
Hi Anastasia,
absolutely, here is an at home chin up substitution: https://flaviliciousfitness.com/2012/05/23/home-exercise-substitutions/
All the best!
Anna, CPT, FF Specialist
hi Anna, many thanks for your advices in all i ask and i need. i follow the program with the changes you advice me so i could do it and i have the best improvement i ve ever had so quiquly. Now i need your advice about suppliments. i have almost 2 months before my vacations and i want to have the best resaults i can. I now that suppliments can help a lot. i need to loose now my last 4 kilos and i now its more dificalt. my hight is 1.69cm, my kilos now is 60. my goal is 56 kilos. i want to loose more fat and to gain muscles. how can i use suppliments before and after my workout or something like fat loss burning etc.
Hi Anastasia,
Supplements can help, but keep in mind they are just that, a supplement. Proper nutrition and a good workout plan is what will really bring the results. Keeping you’re nutrition 100% clean, eating small meals 5 – 6 times per day, and keeping your training consistent will get you the fastest yet sustainable results possible. You include a whey protein shake after your workout for faster recovery. Flavia recommends Biotrust for all of your supplement needs.
All the best!
Anna, CPT, FF Specialist
good article
Thanks for the great exercise tips. I love the exercise. I’ll gonna add these exercise in my daily routine.
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