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Pregnancy ExercisesWorkouts

Workout Wednesday – Trimester 1 – Pregnancy Workout Video #3

By April 17, 2013April 16th, 20148 Comments

Wednesday Workout

Pregnancy Workouts

Avoid High Risk Movements such as HIIT
Don’t start something new
If it feels wrong, don’t do it
Stay Hydrated
Monitor your heart rate and temperature
Stay away from multi-joint movements 


First Trimester Pregnancy Workout #3


Do each exercise for 10 reps. Take 40-60 seconds rest in between each exercise before moving onto the next exercise. Repeat the circuit for a total of 3 sets.


Circuit 1 Circuit 2 Circuit 3
Half-Way Split Squat
Leg Extension
Standing Calf Raise
Lat Pulldown
Dumbbell Row
Seated Calf Raises 
Side Plank Dips
Plank (30-60 seconds)



Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • Wendy says:

    Hi Flavia, I’m not pregnant but I still like to watch your videos. I discovered that I was doing some exercises with incorrect form… Your belly is so cute 🙂

  • Jennifer says:

    Hi Flavia,
    I look forward to your newsletters daily and love the positivity behind them! I think its great that the workouts you provide us can be used by both women who are pregnant and those who are not! By the way I am on my second month of Curvalicious and am so amazed at the results I noticed! I have been looking for a new workout program to help me get out of my fitness rut and I really enjoy working out to your program, it is exactly what I have been looking for! Congratulations on your pregnancy, I wish you and Vince the best!

    Thank you,

  • lateefah says:

    Hi flavia,
    I have been following you vids for a while but have to admit have been very lazy at carrying the routines out. Which why I am now crying for help.
    I am 10 weeks pregnant and have bloated up to 17 stones in the space of two months. Please recommend anything that can make me lose weight fast as I am due to have cesarean and being so heavy is dangerous for me.
    I seem to be retaining water.

    Look forward to hear from you. X

    • Anna says:

      Hi Lateefah,
      I consulted Flavia and she said that losing weight is not what you should be focusing on right now. Rather start to eat very nutritious meals and stay active.
      All the best!
      Anna, CPT, FF Specialist

  • TA says:

    Hi Flavia, your bump is adorable! Are you taking any supplements during your pregnancy? E.g. protein powder?

    • Anna says:

      Hi TA,
      Flavia is taking carnitine and fish oils which are important to help in the development of the baby’s brain.
      All the best!
      Anna, CPT, FF Specialist

  • Lillie says:

    Hi Flavia! I own Flavilious and am curious if I can do that “home” workout schedule while pregnant. I like that I can do it at home and that each day is set up for me. I am just getting in to my second trimester and ready to work out again.

    Thank you for your help!

    • Anna says:

      Hi Lillie,
      You need to take longer rest periods, drink a ton of water and lift a lot lighter. You should be good for the first
      trimester. For the second trimester you can’t lay on your back and if it feels wrong, please avoid that exercise. Most of them should
      be ok to do. Make sure you watch the May Wednesday Workout series as Flavia will be teaching Trimester 2 pregnancy workouts.
      All the best with your pregnancy!
      Anna, CPT, FF Specialist

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