❤Flexible Friday❤
How To: Sitting down on a mat, bring the soles of your feet together as close to your body as possible/ comfortable. Keep your abs engaged and your shoulders back throughout the movement. Wrapping your hands around your feet, slowly pull yourself forward. As you feel the stretch and cannot move forward any longer, pause for 20 – 30 seconds. Release and Repeat.
hello.. may I know how this stretching can loss fat? 🙂
Hi Emily,
as Flavia stated in the e-mail: “In order to build a muscle, in the most efficient way,
we need to have full range of motion. When we are
tight in any muscle, we won’t be able to receive the
outcome desired in the fastest time possible.
Stretching also helps improve sleep.”
If we build muscle it will increase our daily caloric burn and help us burn fat faster. Getting sufficient sleep is also VERY important for fat loss.
All the best,
Anna, CPT, FF Specialist
Flavia, I just signed up for your daily emails and I just want to say thanks for the reminder how important stretching! I found your videos on YouTube 3 weeks back and studied everyone one of them and incorporated them into my daily workout routine. Along with a strict clean diet, I’ve seen great results so far! I’ve been working out for 7 years now, but I’ve always been timid and stuck in my same routine. I owe it all to you, thanks for giving me that additional motivation I needed and get out of my comfort zone at the gym 🙂
Love this stretch! One cue I give my students when we do it in yoga class, is to make sure not to be pulling the toes up and putting strain on the ankles.
Any advice for women in menopause and how to drop the belly fat? Im not yet 50 and am im menopause. I eat right and exercise daily and I cannot drop the weight. My midsection won’t go away! Help please!
I am 55 and counting down 🙂 and my best advice is to work the core hard and do interval cardio HIIT training at least 3 times per week. The stomach is slow to go down but seriously…take pictures, they show what your eyes don’t see, the gradual change. I seem to be losing the upper tummy faster but the lower is coming down. Just hang in there and don’t quit!
Thank you so much! I feel like somebody has finally given me some direction! I was getting so discouraged!