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Pregnancy ExercisesWorkouts

Workout Wednesday – Trimester 1 – Pregnancy Workout Video #1

By April 3, 2013April 16th, 201426 Comments

❤ Happy Workout Wednesday ❤

Women's Workouts

3 Exercise Circuits for Pregnancy 

Do each exercise for 10 reps. Take 40-60 seconds rest in between each exercise 
before moving onto the next exercise. Repeat the circuit for a total of 3 sets.
Circuit 1

Side Leg Raise  
Circuit 2

Hamstring Curl  
Lying Ball Curl
Glute Bridge
Super Set Combo

Seated Calf Raise
Fire Hydrants 



Join the discussion 26 Comments

  • Rena says:

    Looking gorgeous Flavia, wishing you all the best of health throughout your pregnancy. 🙂

  • Mia says:

    I am currently 21 weeks pregnant with my third baby. In my first pregnancy, I was not doing any exercise other than walking. I ate terribly during the course of my pregnancy, and was 30kg heavier on the day I gave birth. I lost all bar 7kg within 12 months, when I found out I was expecting baby number 2. This pregnancy, I walked a lot, and watched what I ate, but was still 20kg heavier by the end. 18 months later, I got pregnant with number 3. I had been doing HIIT for 12 months, and walking quite a bit as well….I had lost all of the baby weight, and was back to my pre-pre-pregnancy weight, with more muscle tone than I had EVER had……I went into this pregnancy determined to not put on more than 10kg….well, Trimester 1 hit me like a freight train..the nausea was 24/7, and the only thing that kept it at bay was food 🙁 I have been eating as cleanly as possible, but at 21 weeks, I am up 7kg…I am bitterly disappointed in myself and my body……but am looking forward to being able to get back into training properly when the baby arrives!

    • Flavia says:

      Thanks for sharing Mia. Our bodies are obviously in need when we have to eat ourselves to death it seems. I truly believe our bodies were trying to store fat, so it made us super hungry. I was just talking to a colleague of mine, and she experienced the same thing. Thank goodness, I thought I was the only one. The best part is that the weight gain isn’t permanent. We can work it off after YAY!! All the best in your pregnancy.

      • Roslyn says:

        Thank you so much for this great workout while pregnant. I did gain over 50 pounds on my first pregnancy and now on my second want to do things differently. Been back at the gym but not sure what was safe to do. Was wondering though if it was okay to do cardio and one circuit on one day than cardio then another circuit another. Because you mentioned you did cardio every other day but I have been just walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes at low impact everyday.

        • Flavia says:

          Hey Roslyn, yes that would be fine to do as well, cardio and one circuit. Go with what you feel. If you can add cardio at the end of the entire workout, do that…I can some days and other days I am too tired!

  • Cassandra says:

    I did the same thing on the monkey bars- sharp pain through the stomach :/ Congrats

  • Christine says:

    What about doing stiff leg romanian deadlifts instead of lying leg curls. They r much more functional and there is no laying on the belly.

  • Kallista says:

    is it ok for pregnant women to do exercise in prone position?? wouldn’t it give too much pressure on the belly and the baby?? i mean like the hamstrings curl..

  • Jacoba Young says:

    Hey Flav so excited these workouts are up, im in my first trimester and was basically told just to scale back my workouts (Curvalicious) and keep my heart rate low which i have done. I had just recently lost 2″ off my butt and thighs (problem area for me) from your workouts when i found out i was pregnant and am determined to keep that area and everywhere else in shape during my pregnancy. I found that eating small amounts frequently so your stomach is never empty works to keep the nausea at bay however, like you said, i have started putting on weight already because of all this eating. My biggest problem is wanting something to eat, making it, and then being repulsed by it. Hopefully all this settles when the second trimester starts. Thank again for the workouts, glad to see that you are doing great 🙂 keep up the good work

  • Heather says:

    Flavia you are awesome! And you look beautiful!

    My husband and I are trying to have a baby and honestly .. I’m terrified of my body changing. I hope that doesn’t sound bad, I am excited to have a baby .. but I’ve seen the wrinkly skin flaps and stretch marks. And the women who were in wicked shape gain a whole pile of weight and never get rid of it. And I’m no where near the way you looked when you got pregnant.

    I’m going to be paying very close attention to your videos and your pregnancy. If I am, or when I do get pregnant I want to have a healthy pregnancy as well and minimize as much as the weight gain as possible.

  • Loren says:

    Ha, yes I am the same… The only thing that has made me feel better when nauseous is to eat…. So I eat and eat and eat! Cheese and cucumber on crackers are my weekness! Ok, enough reading and commenting, I have to get up and excersise! Thanks so much for the video! I will jump back on the horse today after a month of being to scared to do anything! But I will take it slow and ease my way back into it! Thanks again!

  • Rabea says:

    Thanks for sharing how you felt in your first trimester Flavia. I felt the same way during my two pregnancies – eating often was the only thing that kept the nauseous feeling away :-). I was also at a low body-weight before my pregnancies, but did put on a bit more weight than I had wanted to (although I was by no means overweight, I had just wanted to have a bump-only pregnancy) ;-). It took me a little while to lose all the baby-weight (I also put it on on my legs), but I breast-fed for over a year and I let myself focus on being a mother, and now my body is as lean and strong as ever (even better actually), so it’s been a continual process of letting go of how I think things should be, and learning through the experience! Hope you stay strong and healthy throughout your entire pregnancy.

  • Erica says:

    I had a baby in February 2012. During my first trimester, I had a similar experience to you. While I wasn’t necessarily nauseous a lot (or throwing up), I just felt overall kind of bad. I don’t really know how to explain it, but I guess it probably was slight nausea. Anyway, the only thing that made me feel better was eating, and like you I gained around 10 pounds that trimester. Good news though is that I felt so good in the 2nd trimester (and really the rest of the pregnancy), and I only gained about 28 pounds total. Just thought I’d give you some encouragement!

  • Krista Fowler says:

    Hi Flavia,

    I am a mother of 2 and my baby turned 3 today. I wanted to let you know that I experienced the same things in my first trimester on both pregnancies. I felt nauseous a lot and the only thing that would ease the discomfort was to keep my belly full! I gained about 10 lbs in the first trimester of both pregnancies. I too started out with the goal of only gaining 25 lbs throughout the entire pregnancies. However, despite the healthy eating and lots of exercise I still managed to gain 40 lbs on both pregnancies. However, I have always been fairly lean with good exercise and earting habits so after the babies were born the weight came off fairly quickly and with your Curvalicious program I am sporting a lot of sexy muscle and a six pack! I promise you, you have nothing to worry about! Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy. Time goes by so quickly. Soon your baby will be turning 3 like mine and you’ll be wondering where the time went! Best wishes for a safe delivery and healthy baby!

  • Alisha G says:

    Hey, I just tried your first trimester workout, I found the floor sets a little difficult due to lower back pain. I am currently 16 weeks pregnant and have been trying to find different routines to do as I cannot do my previous workouts before I got pregnant. This is killer for lower body, I love it! I really hope you do more pregnancy videos, an arm and core workout would be super helpful also. Will be waiting for more!
    And during the first trimester I was eating at least every two hours..if I didn’t put food in my body I would throw up, and if I waited too long to eat and then shove food in my face- I also threw up. I have gained 9 pounds so far, always been in really good shape so I’m terrified to put on too much bring on the workouts! Good luck with everything 🙂

  • Emma says:

    Hi Flavia,
    I am super excited about your pregnancy series! I am three weeks out from my wedding and, as we are both 33, we will be trying to have children as soon as we get back to the bridal suite, if ya know what I mean 😉
    Have been loving your workouts and advice for more than a year now and you’ve become a really awesome part of my life.
    Happy pregnancy to you!
    Many thanks,

  • xochil says:

    hi flavia real fan of your work out I spend time to do homework on how to do a nice work out. Ive always struggled with my weight but seeing your youtube videos. I love them I get pumped up and ready cause now I know and not ashamed like you say its not to worry if you don’t know how to do them later you learn but anyways. My question for today is im struggling threw food I love munchis and my husband always complains on wanting them we love food but when I cook sometimes I would love to know diff ways you use a weeks plan I sometimes get lost on meals that are good and not good for you please help thanks and congrats on your pregnancy as a woman with a struggle on trying to have baby’s you are truly lucky and blessed thank you and hope you get back to me

    • Flavia says:

      Yes this is a struggle for me also. I do have some cooking videos on this site. I am also working on a video that is 15 meals in 50 minutes with a 3 day meal plan that you can double for 6 days. Watch out for that. It will be a part of the my new cookbook coming out in 2014 but there will be chances of getting it through promotions.

  • Insaaf says:

    Hi Flavia

    Dont lay too long on your back and you shouldn’t be laying on your tummy. I exercised throughtout my pregnancy, similar weight training exercises. It prevented me from getting back pain and also kept me active throughout my pregnancy. One warning though, in my 8th month I stopped because my amniotic fluid was low, but I managed to rectify it by drinking 3 litres of water per day. I would recommend drinking more water when you are exercising. The day before I gave birth I walked up and down at an expo and had an easy, natural, drug free, quick and relatively painless birth. The exercise definitely helped me achieve that. Besides the weight training, I also did pilates and jogged.

    Watching your heart rate is also the older form of checking if you are overdoing it. The best way is the talk test. If you can talk while exercising you are fine, if you are struggling to speak, you are overdoing it. Somewhere in between should be fine. However, if you are feeling very hot or the area you are training in is very hot, take it easy so as to not over heat. Also, dont lift heavier weights than what you are used to and listen to your body:)

    Good Luck with the rest of your pregnancy!

  • Aisling says:

    Hi Flavia
    I see all the posts before me are all 2013, hoping you can still answer my question though 🙂
    I’m from Ireland, I’m 7 weeks pregnant and i had been going to the gym regularly.. doing quite similiar workouts that you have on your website, so i’m really interested in your pregnancy circuits you have posted.
    My problem is that i don’t have have weights but i dont have other big equipment.
    Do you have any alternative work outs i can do instead of Tricep Cable Pulldown, Hamstring Leg curl and Lat Pulldown?
    Thanks so much in advance 😉

    • Anna says:

      Hi Aisling,
      If you have a resistance band you can set it up in a door or something and perform the same movement as in a lat pulldown and cable pulldown. You can just omit the leg curl or do another set of squats with a bit of a wider stance, toes pointed out. 🙂
      All the best!
      Anna, CPT, FF Specialist

      • Aisling says:

        Thank you so much for getting back to me! I have a resistance band, so will do that instead! I’m praying I just have an all bump pregnancy…. At the moment, I’m eating whatever I can get my hands on! Any tips on this? Thanks x

        • Anna says:

          You’re welcome Aisling! It is important to still try to eat healthy foods. If you’re hungry it’s totally fine to increase your calories but try to get most of them from healthy foods. Flavia goes into detail exactly what you should be eating, how much, and what workouts to do through your entire pregnancy in her All Belly Pregnancy program which you can check out here:
          Best of luck with your pregnancy!
          All the best,
          Anna, CPT, FF Specialist

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