Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
I don’t know about you, but for me, cold weather is unmotivating. Let’s keep each other motivated by posting what motivates you. Let us know how you overcame “not feeling like working out” and even post when you fell into your negative mindset. Let’s keep each other accountable. We can be a network of “Women Motivating Women”.
See also: A Better Tomorrow
I’m really not motivated today! I need a kick in the you know what! Got up all prepared to have a great day, brought my running kit, a box of salad, sweet potato, cottage cheese, tangerines and blueberries for lunch to work. So why did I go to the canteen and eat chips and biscuits instead of having my healthy lunch, followed by a run and protein shake like I planned? Someone help me get some willpower with my diet as I seem to have none at all right now.
Think of a time when you got knocked down, and then got back up and forged ahead. Think about it…now start your workout! (inspired by ‘The Rock”)
It seems like you have everything all planned out which is suppose to be the hardest step so way to go there!! One of the things I do when I have a meal planned but an unhealthy alternative sounds better I look at the food I have and think “It would be really wasteful to not eat what I have already prepared and put time into. Other people would love to eat the food that I am about to waste.” That usually gives me a good kick to eat what I brought. Hope this helps!
Love it! Need it! With the weather getting colder, comfort food even tastier in the winter….it´s hard to stay on track! So important to have a goal, to get reminded and to follow through and all that not for anyone else but yourself! That goes for anything in life!
Thank you for reminding me!
Winter just adds a whole lot of other challenges to life!
I try to remind myself, how good my body feels and how strong I feel during/after a workout. It helps me to think of my workout as something special I do for myself rather than a chore. You will only ever benefit from working out!
Keep the faith and push the pace!
I also serveral timea day link in with people who I admire and inspire me. eg: Mr and Mrs Del Monte, Ryan Watson, Dwayne Johnson just to name a few!
Talk about falling off the wagon! I have not eaten desserts with sugar in them since July and I had cake on Thursday, a brownie on Friday, sweet tea on Saturday and Sunday! I need some motivation to get back on track! I don’t believe in everything in moderation, so I can’t even reason with myself to feel better. The long term effects of that mess just aren’t worth it, but darn, if it doesn’t taste good!!
Plus, I haven’t exercised in two weeks….talk about a downward spiral. Unfortunately, I can’t blame it on colder weather, I live in South Texas, we’re still in the 90’s.
Going through the same. Something about the cooler weather causing me to crave sweets!?! Workouts have been a bit off as well. And Hannah, I like how my body feels and how strong I feel after a workout as well! Like I can take on the world! So trying to really motivate myself this week to get back after it!
It’s encouraging to know none of us are alone in this up and down journey. When we slip or even fall, we WILL pick ourselves back up and keep heading towards that attainable goal. Have a fantastic week everyone!
I’ve been dealing with some ligament damage in my ankles for the past month 1/2 and probably have another month and 1/2 to go for healing.. this past weekend, I just gave up and ate whatever and that is so unlike me.. I hate how I feel this morning now, bloated and yucky. So.. this morning I did a quick tabata 4 min interval cycle on the bike, then a 20 min metabolic conditioning style upper body workout.. I still feel bloated, but I’m pounding the water and I’m staying strong, this injury will not get the best of me damnit!! 🙂 Come on girls, lets pull together, we can do this!
Today was my first hard core day back in the gym after a five week convalescent period. Just really pushing myself felt great, regardless of the three pounds I gained. We’re all together in this, girlfriends!
I almost didn’t go to the gym this morning and the past few mornings. I’ve been feeling sore from my training and my body has been and is still fighting a cold since last week Wed. While I plan my cheat/treat meals on Sat and Sun, I did splurge more than I planned yesterday.
Every day I make a choice: take 1 step forward, stand still, or go backwards. If it’s the 2nd or latter choice, I forgive myself and plan on how to make a better choice tomorrow. And yes, sometimes the best laid plans fall through but life goes on. Choose to take 1 step forward. Make it happen. It’s not too late.
We are women. We are strong. If we fall, we get back up.
Let no one keep you down, including yourself. Believe in you because you’re worth it.
Let’s do this!
Now I’m going to have a protein hot chocolate with cottage cheese (my substitute for marshmallows). 🙂
HI! Just wondering if I can do the 5 workouts in five straight days and take the weekend off for cardio?? Also, can you give me some ideas to replace some of the exercises: is biking ok instead of the sprinting for day 2 – if I do sprinting on the bike 1 min then regular pace 1 minute? what can I do instead of rear flys. Don’t have a machine to do those. sliding lunge? don’t have the board to do those? something a little easier for the pike push ups? I think that is it for now. Thanks:)
I don’t have the slick mat to do the sliding lunges either. If I’m on a slick floor such as linoleum or vinyl, you can put a towel under your foot to slide on. If you’re on carpet, I’ve found a paper or Styrofoam plate under your foot can do the trick too!
Good luck!
Hi Dionne, getting your workouts done is the most important thing so if it works best for you to do 5 days in a row that’s ok. It’s fine to use the spin bike, I use the eliptical sometimes as well. For the rear flys you can try and mimick the same motion with dumbbells either laying on your stomach on an incline bench or by hingeing forward maintaining a flat back. Flavia demonstrated hows to do pike push ups from your knees.
I agree with Mindi on the sliding lunge. 🙂
Thanks so much for the reply ladies!!:)
I’ve always liked the quote “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” This time of year is easy to get off track. What I’ve found helpful is to make up my weekly calendar a week in advance. I make up my menu for the following week and write up my workouts for the following week. I like to check off items of a list! Every Sunday, I prepare my meals and have them ready to go for the week so I just have to grab and go. My workouts, they’re written up in my daily planner and I treat them as “appointments” and I keep my workout “appointments” as i would a Dr’s or dentist appointment!! Upon completion, I have the thrill of marking them off my calendar as completed! I also like to write out my goals and after reaching each goal, I have a non-food item written down as my “reward.” I take my goals 1 week at a time!!
I hope this is found to be helpful for someone!! And everyone keep up the good work!
Thats a great approach Mindi, I do that too!
Love that!
I just finished a long day of work and then coaching. I was considering bailing on my workout today. Thanks ladies for the motivation- I’m gonna go change into my workout gear and get my sweat on. How great to have motivation from everyone, thanks!
OMG I love the support, encouragement and advice, what an awesome bunch of people! Power to the Girls – Woo Hoo!!