My Personal Experience With Xtreme Fat Loss Diet
By Flavia Del Monte
Many women have been asking me about fast days. Most, I assume, are familiar with Shaun & Dan’s Xtreme Fat Loss Diet. I thought I’d share my personal experiences of the ups and downs I faced, while helping me get photo-shoot ready for one of my happiest memories in my life.
November of 2009, one of my closest friends tied the knot in the Dominican Republic. My boyfriend at the time, Vince Del Monte, seized this opportunity to make this trip extra valuable by adding a photo-shoot. So here we are at Bush Gardens with the fitness crew and I was complaining about 5 pounds of fat I still had to lose for this photo-shoot and only had a month to do it!
Shaun pipes up in a very sarcastic voice, “Umm I happen to know the creator of this 25 day diet called ‘Xtreme Fat Loss Diet’ and I happen to know that it works.”
So of course I tried it and it worked. I lost 5 pounds of fat in 20 days from an already lean state. This was no easy task…Shaun & Dan do not call it Xtreme for nothing…this diet is tough.
If you are ready for an extreme fat loss program that will make you lose wight and lose it fast…..keep reading.
3 Reasons Why I Loved Xtreme Fat Loss Diet
- There is a cheat day every 5 days….yes an entire day that is a MANDATORY part of the program. Vince and I made the very most of every cheat day. Every 5th day we made it a date and had so much fun meeting for dessert, or having popcorn at the movies.
- Everyday is structured differently. I love that I didn’t have to guess what to eat. Shaun & Dan lay everything on the table…they tell you exactly what to eat. I also love that everyday is something different and you only had to get through that day…getting through that day was the goal and tomorrow would be something new.
- I lost weight, it works and I looked smokin hot! And by the way, I got proposed to on that trip!! I had amazing photos from one of the happiest days of my life.
3 Reasons Why I Ended The Diet At Day Twenty
- I had a few very tough days, may have involved some crying and anger, followed by laughter and energy. Hormones anyone?
- I struggled with my energy levels but realized this was only for a short period of time and the results were worth it.
- It was interfering with my world. People don’t understand what extreme dieting is and it is tough to see family and friends while carrying around the magic bullet to make shakes for your shake only days (which were yummy). This did also boost my confidence when I was able to say no and carry out my meal plans.
The Xtreme Fat Loss Diet will make you curse, get angry, take you to your breaking point, make you feel confident, make you lose fat and drive your focus up 3 notches. This plan is backed up by science and strategy, but make no mistake, this is not for everyone! This is like a roller coaster ride and you will have highs and lows. But at the end of the ride will have experienced the fastest and most exhilarating transformation ride of your life.
If you are looking to completely transform Your Body To Look Your Best Ever In ONLY 25 Days With The Most Strategic, Fastest New Year’s Fat Loss Program EVER Developed—all while eating WHATEVER you want Every 5 Days…
==> Grab Xtreme Fat Loss Today – FINAL DAY FOR $60 OFF + Bonuses
Just make sure to switch back to eating Skinnylicious Cooking recipes following to make sure to keep your hormones balanced and your fat loss GONE FOR GOOD!
Check out all the comments below and if you have any, leave them here. THANKS
Is the diet sustainable? I mean, do you put the weight on right away afterwards? He puts in two workouts a day and sometimes three… SHould fast days be included in your programme , too? Also, on the weighing out ingredients – some days you are allowed a lot more fat, but do you count the calories or grams because if i count the grams it seems like a lot of fat but if I look at the calories in those allowed grams of fat for the day, it doesnt stay in the rhelms of the allowed calorie intake for that day? Very confused and i also find the gram v calorie approach in your diet as confusing. Tips? Or have I just got it all a bit wrong?
Thanks, L
I have heard the same with my diet….fats are too high in calories. I suggest eating that amount of fat in grams and not worry too much about going over in caloies IF you are eating the right fats….within reason of course. It is sustainable for a short period…I only lasted 20 days. I don’t include fast days….they really are not needed for my program and are totally for individulal use. Thanks!
Hi Flavia
I did the XFLD as well, and I lost 2kg, but I think I gained a lot more muscle as I shrunk at least 2cm everywhere.
I would like to repeat it at some point to get some more fat off and boost the metabolism, but I was wondering – how do you stomach all the BCAA pills??? The first two fast days were fine, I enjoyed the discipline and willpower test and the ease of no food, however on the third day after the 72nd pill (ok that’s approximate) I just hated pills! They taste foul, and even with mint or lemon in my water I couldn’t get rid of the feeling of the 17 pills every three hours…
Any tips or alternatives you think would work? I loved everything else about it, the exercise regime and strict guidelines for each day, as well as obviously the cheat days! Look forward to hearing your ideas!
Liz (BNE)
I felt fine…but you could take power form…there are flavored powdered BCAAs….but they have sweetners in them….you could make your own with steevia??
Hi Flavia, I understand that you went on Joel’s Xtreme Fat Floss Diet because you wanted to drop 5 pounds of fat for your photo shoot. Obviously this diet is done for a particular purpose, eg., photo shoot, wanting to look great for your wedding etc. My question is, what type of diet should females be on in order to be lean all year round. And what percentage of body fat is “realistic” for females to maintain all year round simply by following healthy eating and exercising right? Thanks in advance, Nic 🙂
Great question and that is exactly what I want women to be more concerned about!!! I’d love for females maintain a healthy weight all year round and if they want to drop 5 pounds for a special occasion…then they can try something extreme for a couple weeks or they can just boost their cardio. I love what I put together for women explaining what to eat and when called
No Brainer Nutrition Strategies…available only to members for the time being….but I also agree with basically everything Isabel says about nutrition… Healthy body fat is 18 -22% for females but you wont really see abs until around 15%..anything below is too low.
Hi Flavia
I also did Joels XFLD last year and droped 15Kgs in the 25 days it was awsome and got me to my goal weight. I must say it is the hardest diet and program I’ve ever done but is garanteed great results!
Joel Marion is a magician in puting suck a plan together
Hi flavia, if you only needy to lose say 10 lbs tops, do you have to follow it exactly? Also once your goal weight is reached can you stop of then?
Love your program by the way – very challenging.
Hi Sue…in order for it to work, you have to follow it 100% but for sure you can stop once you reach your goals…thanks!
I am curious Flavia. Did you really cheat on your cheat days? Knowing me, I can really do myself a lot of damage if I take it to heart that I can go all out on cheat days. I swear I can put away 10000 calories in one sitting, let alone a whole day!!! For this reason, I limit myself to only 1 cheat meal every 2 weeks of strict clean eating similar to your deadline diet minus the high carb higher calorie days. For me, one fast day after a whole cheat day is not going to be enough to correct the damage.
Do you think XFLD will work for someone like me? And how would I incorporate your workouts with XFLD if I chose to use the program?
Thanks Flavia. I treasure your input always.
Hey Theresa, I did cheat on my cheat days and it is important to re-fuel your body for another 4 days of intense dieting. I would only reccomend it if you think you will be able to come off properly without binging afterwards. If you are finding what you are doing is working for you, you should stick to the this diet.
Hi Flavia,
I’m from the Netherlands, so excuse me for my english.
I’m very excited about your story, but also afraid what will happen when you start eating “normal”. I don’t mean eating ice cream and french fries, but just the way I’m eating right now, which is clean eating. I’m already very slim, but would like to lose a little extra fat, so I would like to try this diet.
Can you tell me?
I would really like to try the diet for a short period of time as you did…….I am already in a very lean state as well but just have a small amount of abdominal fat that is not budging like I would like…..I am 51 so there are hormonal issues as well which I am currently addressing with bioidentical hormones as well as trying to balance out my cortisol (recently tested and I basically have none)….so taking lots of supplements for this as well……..anyway between that and having a family (2 teenagers) very busy life with them, also a personal trainer, keeping up with the high intensity of my workouts ……..I think I would find it difficult to achieve perfection . My family probably wouldn’t understand my reasons for doing it plus would be hard to cook (which I do a lot of …..but mind you we eat super clean and healthy) normal meals for them and not partake.
I wouldn’t mind maybe trying some modified version but not sure how that would be or how to modifiy….I guess maybe more like the Cheat to be Thin? Any comments?
I have also tried the XFLD. I loved it! It was not hard at all to follow the rules and when you could binge every 5th day it made it so easy to “endure” the other days. On tha fasting day I did not even wanted to eat because of the high food level I had taken in the day before. So no problem.
Go for it
Sounds tough! What happens after the XFLD diet? What are the withdrawal feelings?
Great question. I have heard some people binge. Vince and I had no issues. We celebrated but we didn’t go crazy. It helped us with will power…after being on such an intense diet, you are able to say no far easier.
Flavia, I ordered “The Cheat to Lose Diet” book, off Amazon. The stuff Joel is advertising looks different…is it the same thing though? I want to make sure Im getting what Im suppose to be getting! Also, during this extreme diet, when you did it….how important is it to take the BCAA’s? Is that a must for the fast day? The cheat day every 5 days correct? I was thinking I would make Saturday my cheat day but if you repeat after 5 days, then it will fall different each time…or am I missing something? thank you
Yes it is different. The Cheat To Lose book is not as intense…same concept but stretched over a longer period. This diet is much much more intense and therefore works much quicker. BCAA’s are important so you don’t break down any muscle while you are working out on your fast days. Yes they are every 5 days so you couldn’t choose a certain day of the week.
I really appreciate your honesty about the toughness of this or any extreme diet. I prefer to have as much info as possible so that I know if I’m up to the challenge. You and Vince ROCK!
Is this a realistic diet for a 63 year old woman who babysits for two toddler grandchildren and takes care of her 95 year old mother. I am not sure with all those in my care, I could manage the emotional highs and lows. Looking to lose weight and tone for my son’s wedding in Turks and Caicos at beginning of July, but am a little leery of my ability to follow through on this extreme diet.
Your workouts are helping me already, so that is good.
Good question, and I would say better be safe than sorry. I had food on hand with me during my first fast day incase I felt as though I wasn’t safe at work…so you could have a back up plan like I did.
How does it compare to your deadline diet?
The Deadline Diet is carb and calorie cycling without cheat days. Xtreme Fat Loss Diet has a similar process as in the re-feed days, depleting your body. But it is a lot more intense and claims weight loss of up to 25 pounds in 35 days. The Deadline diet does not manipulate protein at all.
hi, flavia!
thanks for your candid and honest review!
i think i will try your deadline diet for now–that is extreme enough for me! lol
on day 4 of second week of flavilicious and it is kicking my 42 year old, mom to 5, *ss!
I did this diet of Joel’s last year for a month to do some last minute bikini prep for my bday at the beach. I was already in pretty good shape, but I wanted that edge. It was absolutely the hardest diet I’ve ever done, but holy crap did it work. I shredded fat over that month and showed up to the beach with ripped abs and sexy legs. One warning: if you’re a wimp, don’t bother….this isn’t for you!!!
This was so great knowing that it really is a tough “only 20 days” and that ups and downs are sometimes more than expected. I don’t feel like such a wimp for going through that. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Flavia,
I am very afraid of crash dieting because they’re unhealthy and make you fat most of the time. Can you reasure me that this is not an unhealthy diet?
By the way I love your workouts!! They make me feel great!
It’s not unhealthy but you have to come off of it smart. You can’t maintain this long term and after you finish you still need to go back to your maintance which should be a healthy way of eating you follow thorughout the year to keep you lean and healthy (what No Brainer Nutrition Strategies is all about…incorporating every day habits for a healthy lifestyle)
What happens when you stop this “hot” XFLD afterwards when yu go back to eat normal?
Depends what normal is to you….if it is an unhealthy way of eating, you will pack on fat. There are guidelines to follow but there is no “offical” maintainence program that comes with XFLD….you hopefully have your own guidelines to follow…this is only for a short period of time and then you do into maintance mode which is what you should always be doing year round to keep you trim and healthy.
Can you please explain to me about consuming calories based on my body fat %. Im unsure of the macro breakdown thing… like in the XFLD, if it says 40% protein, 25% carbs & 35% fat….I still dont understand how much of what foods and what source Im suppose to eat!…especially if we are talking about a shake day! Like, how do I know Im eating 40% protein for example?? This may be very simple but Ive never had it explained and dont know what to do!
thank you so much in advance!!
Also, would you be able to give me an example of what you had for a meal on say, the “carb” day?
Sure; Eggs and homefries for breakfast (not deepfried)
Protein and veggies for meal 2
Protien and brown rice meal 3
Protein and veggies for meal 4
Shake with a banana post-workout
Salad with meat and cheese for Meal 5
It is only moderate carbs so you don’t go crazy….Joel has all this outlined in his program. He’ll tell you exactly what to eat.
You would have to know your weight and BMR….Joel will explain this all to you. He will show you how to calculate all of this. Same for my program…I provide guidelines based on your weight and anount of exercise you do.
Hi Flavia,
You mention often that Joel tells you exactly what to eat in the plan…I purchased the Xtreme Fat Loss diet yesterday and there is not a blow by blow list of what food to eat in what combination. For example on Moderate Carb Day it just lists breakfast as protein + carb…. Can you clarify what you mean? thanks, Deb
You should have food options for each carb and protein….then you implement those where he says to have one of each.
Would you mind telling us exactly how much weight or fat or inches you lost in those 20 days please, Flavia? And is there any guidance in the program on choosing protein shakes/supplement brands etc – I’ve never used these and live in UK so names would be different and I wouldn’t have a clue what a ‘good’ one was! Thanks.
And, as I’m sure you’ve been told many times before, you do look fabulous! Thanks again.
Thanks Debs. I lost 5 pounds back in 2009 when I tried XFLD for the first time….and some weeks Vince and I would go on it to lose some weight really fast over the following year. There is a lot of guidance and Joel also has a support team that can help you with anything you’ll need. Joel has everything you will need….this is not a new product so all questions have been incorporated after any feedback he has gotten, meaning he has all the answers you will need.
Hi Flavia – Can you comment on the workouts that accompany the XLFD? I am in week 4 of your workouts and LOVE them, but just wondering if I can continue them during XLFD? Or do I have to follow both the diet and exercise program to get results on XLFD? I assume I can just resume your workouts after I’m done with XLFD.
and I meant XFLD!! oops
Yes you can continue them and I would…Joel has specific workouts that you could change to for the duration of the 25 days but you don’t need to. FBL is going to make you lose fat don’t worry. If you pick up XLFD, you could look through what Joel recommends and incorporate some….such as the cardio or extra workout on fast days which I know he likes to do. Vince and I were following our own workouts with some of his thrown in 🙂
For the XFLD he has you working out every day. You said you followed your own workout, so did you take any days off from working out and if so what day did you take off in his 5 day cycle?
Great question. I would still take time off to recover. The best day to take off would be the protein only day or the moderate carb day. You can add cardio to one day so you will workout for 6 days total with one off completely. I think Joel doesn’t recommend anytime off so if you feel you don’t need it and want to add his, go for it. I just don’t want any injuries to occur. I ALWAYS take at least one day off!
I’m considering the diet, but I just signed up for a 4 week boot camp with my friend. Would you recommend it if I’m just considering following the diet and not the exercise? Or should I do the exercise on top of the boot camp?
Not on top of the boot camp….I think Joel’s will be better honestly but I really don’t know about your boot camp…just from what I have seen. But not both, that would be too much!
Hi Flavia!
You look GREAT, you are an inspiration! I have a question, I am about to purchase Joels lose 25lbs in 25 days. I have a big function on in a few weeks so I need something FAST! but my question is I live in South Africa so obviously the supplements we get here are different to what Joel would recommend. I cannot order what Joel would recommend as our country has VERY strict laws when it comes to importing supplements of any kind. There is plenty stuff that is sold here in the stores but would like to know if I find an equivalent supplement or a supplement thats close enough as possible to what he recommends will it still work for me?
Megan…I am not sure what there is in South Africa and I think Joel would be the best person to ask as he may have gotten this question…let me know if you need anything else… I am sure you will be able to find substitutes 🙂
Hi Megan.
I am in SA too…I found that Optimum Nutrition is the best BCAA. I am gluten intolerant ( recently diagnosed) but when I did Extreme Fat loss last year, I used Biogen Whey Protein shake. It has hardly any carbs, is not sweetened and is pure whey…comes in great flavours too!
Hope this helps.
Optimum Nutrition can be bought from Supplement SA…google it or if you in JHB, they have a shop in Sunninghill in the new shopping center…or Brightwater commons upstairs at the new supplement shop.
Hope this helps!
Hi Charnel!
Thank you SO much for this info!!! I really appreciate it, it helps a lot!!! How much did you lose on the extreme diet?
I am trying to find a tanita scale as Joel recomends but its very pricey, I do belong to Virgin active but I am not sure how accurate the body fat scale is there. What did you use?
Hi Flavia,
I have been doing your FBL workouts for two weeks and looovee them! You’re an inspiration. Thanks!
I have been on the XFLD eating plan for 4 days and it’s going really well.
Do you suggest doing your FBL workouts for all 5 days of the XFLD diet as Joel recommends a dynamic, lactic acid, strength and another each of the 5 days plus HIT etc. Which means no exercise rest days at all over the 25 days. So do you recommend FBL workouts with no rest days while on XFLD eating plan?
If yes, are there any of your workouts that would be better on cheat days, fast days and alternative days or just day 1 to day 5 for each of the 5 XFLD days? Hope thats not too confusing 🙂
Dear Flavia,
Hail from Toronto! I just purchased XFLD and am so at a loss as my protein days seem to work out to be only 15g a piece and 18g for shake days. Is this somewhat similar to what you had to eat? I am sure I eat way bigger portions of protein, I think. I really want to do this but am getting a little discouraged looking at the numbers. How do I measure 15g? I guess I need to buy a food scale. I am petite, 5’1, 123lbs and 24% fat (urgh!) Any input would be greatly appreciated. You look amazing! And kudos to everyone here taking the challenge too… good luck to all. Can’t wait to get my prograde order in.
Hey Stephanie…you will defintely have to buy a food scale….trust the program. The only way a program will work is if you try….this will be hard but the reward is SO worth it!!
Thank you!
Hi Flavia
I’m into the second day of the challenge and if I finish looking like you I’ll be rapt!
Anyway my question concerns BCAA’s. I’ve got it all worked out for the Fast Day (currently halfway through taking my 90 tablets for the day!) However I’m a bit confused with the BCAA’s we have to take on Day 5 – Protein Only Depletion Day. The manual says we have to consume BCAAs in the amount of 5 grams between meals. Is this 5gms total for the day split over 5 meals, or 5gms between each meal and so making it 25gms for the whole day. I’m trying to make sure I follow the program to the absolute letter.
Thanks for your help
I believe it is 5 grams between each meal, for a total of 25 grams for the day. How are you doing so far??
Hi Flavia,
I’m starting this Diet next week and have a question regarding the BCAAs on Protein-Only Day:
Does everyone take 25g for the whole day regardless of body weight? I weigh around 100lbs (I’m petite), so basically I’ll take in the same amount as someone who weighs around 200lbs?
Also, is it absolutely essential to take BCAAs on Fast Day and Protein-Only Day, or would it still be alright if I don’t take any or take less than the recommended amount on these days?
Hey Elina, You should ask Joel these questions as he is the creator of the product…but the reason to take BCAAs is to protect your muscle while you workout so you really should take it. Think about how hard you work to make those muscles.
Hey Flavia, I was going to contact Joel and ask him a question about the XFLD which I just recently purchased but I can’t find where to contact him, do you know his e-mail address?
Yup! support [at]
Let me know if you need anything else 🙂
ok, Thank you so much!
Hi Flavia,
So today I ordered the XFLD. I’ve taken the time and have read through everything, but I’m still confused about what kind of exercises I should be doing? I’m one of those people that like to be told what exercises to do every single day and for how many reps and sets.
You can do either workout program. If you stick to FBL…do Day 2 on your fast day and on the cheat day try to add in an extra session of cardio or Joel’s workouts for that day. If you need to ask Joel anything about his program go here: support [at]
I did XFLD for the first cycle last week–didn’t stick to it 100% so I’m starting over today but I really love the full body licious workouts and would love to keep doing them –is there any way to substitute your 5 workouts for the 5 assigned on XFLD?
Ya that’s no problem…on the fast day try to do Day 2 of FBL and on the cheat day try to add in a cardio workout or one of Joels 🙂
I am on day 3 of the 2nd cycle of XFLD. Yesterday’s fast day was tougher than the first one. I’m finding it difficult to make myself eat as frequently as I’m supposed to–that’s always been tough for me. I don’t “feel hungry” and just forget to eat, especially at work. I too am a pediatric nurse and work 12-14 hour days, sometimes simply don’t have time to eat depending on what’s happening that day. So my biggest struggle is getting in all the meals and snacks. I know this is important to keep my metabolism up and I really want success with this program. I’ve been trying to eat healthy and exercise for a long time now without seeing any results. After the 1st 5-day cycle I dropped 3 pounds, 3% body fat, and 4 inches total. So I’m totally motivated to keep it up! I can’t get in all the workouts on the days I work b/c I’m just too exhausted after 12-14 hours at work on my feet going all day (I do the morning workout at about 4 a.m. before work). I’m using the workouts in XLFD right now but plan to start back on FBL with a sensible diet after XFLD. I will have to stop after the 4th cycle b/c we are going on vacation and having a family reunion–don’t want to be “worrying” about specific foods, etc. when the whole family is together. So I know you are/were a nurse. Do you have any suggestions to help me stay on track while at work and even at home in terms of making myself eat every 2-3 hours? Thanks for the input and FBL!
Yes…super hard because Peds is tough and fast-paced. Can you keep snacks in your scrubs?
Good idea. I can’t keep food or drink outside the breakroom. But I have a sheet I use at work that separates all my patients and what is “due” at what time for each one–basically a really big “to do” list! So I think I’ll write in “Stop and get a snack” on my to do list! Your program is awesome and I’m so excited about getting back to FBL. Thanks for all you do!
Thanks Desiree…I used to sneak into the break room and shovel food down as fast as I Great profession- you are making a difference.
Hi Flavia, with the XFLD, do you absolutely have to use the BCAA?
It will help preserve muscle mass.
Hi Flavia,
I think you said before you started the XFLD you were 114 lbs. What weight do you normally maintain and how tall are you?
So far I have lost 5.5 lbs after 2 cycles – which I think is a little slower than some people but hopefully I will reach my goal of losing about 13 lbs by the time the 25 days is up.
Hey Sue….it depends hoe lean you are to start with. 13 pounds in 25 days is really great! The average is 2 pounds per week. I maintain at around 112-114, depending on what season etc. I am 5 2
Hi Flavia!
Just finishing the second cycle & finding it not too bad. Were there days you felt the diet wasn’t working? For example, was there any bloating or “feel fat” days surrounding your female cycle while you were on the plan? Just looking for some input. Thanks!
Ya, I was bloated during that time of the month and it is hard to think the diet isn’t working but you have to keep going…and you will notice huge changes that seem to happen all at the same time and then everything becomes easier.
Hey Flavie,
I am starting the XFLD this saturday and am going to try to do Joel’s bodyweight workouts. You are suppost to workout 3 times, I was wondering, would it be better to work out before each protein + carb meal or to space them out more and work out morning, afternoon, and evening even though that would make me workout before a protein + fat meal? Thanks for all your help!
I am not sure that really matters…carbs will give you more energy and will be used for energy during the workout. Just make getting the 3 in a priority and don’t worry much about when. Do them when you can and that way you will fit them in.
ok, great will do! thank you so much!
Me and my husband started the XFLD and are on day 4. I was doing Flavilicious before starting it and he was doing P90X for the 3rd time. We both have no energy what so ever!! Is this normal? I feel like I am not giving the workouts my all so to speak.
Thanks, Brooke
Yes it is. XFLD is tough and because you barely consume many calories for 4 days leading into your cheat day, you will feel that way.
Hey Flavia,
If I am reading the XFLD manual correctly, the free veggies can be eaten anytime, any day except for fast days and you do not count them in your daily requirements?
I believe so…you may need to clarify with Joel’s support team. I always have them as free food!
I’ve tried to contact Joel’s support team a couple of times and they never reply. I think I will have the free veggies as a free food like you do, thanks so much for your help! I’m excited about starting the XFLD tomorrow! I’ll send after pictures. Good luck with your photo shoot, can’t wait to see the pictures!
Hi Flavia,
Thanks for replying so quickly to the question I posted several days ago! I’ve completed 3 cycles of the XFLD already, followed the program almost to the letter (working out everyday and getting the diet right) but have seen absolutely ZERO changes to my weight, body fat %, muscle mass or measurements. Does this sometimes happen or am I doing something wrong? I was at a plateau before going into this diet and hoped that this would give me a boost; 17 days has passed and I am still at that plateau. Maybe the XFLD isn’t for ppl like me (5’1, 105lbs, 23% bodyfat)? I’m really disappointed right now.
That isn’t good to hear! Sorry you aren’t getting any results. I’d have to see your actual diet. I believe that you are following as close as you know how but I am shocked to here that some people aren’t getting results and often time it is because some kind of food has been overlooked. I would raise this to the program creator, Joel, and see what he reccomends.
Hey Flavia,
I am on my 2nd cycle of XFLD and doing FBL with it, I was wondering, would it be best to do a FBL workout as soon as I get up on a empty stomach or have a protein carb meal then exercise before my next protein carb meal? Thanks so much for your help!
Don’t recommend doing FBL on an empty stomach
ok, I am kinda confused, previously you had told me I could have half a banana before I workout since me and my dad get up at 5 a.m and workout before he goes to work. Since I am doing the XFLD should I still just have half a banana before I workout and then just subtract that from my daily total, but then what do I do on protein only day? On the XFLD you are always having protein and carb or protein and fat, never carbs or fat by themselves, so does that mean I have to eat a protein + carb meal before I do FBL?
If you can add food as Joel suggests, then yes eat before FBL. You want to have energy to have a great workout. IF you can’t eat because it is too early, don’t and see how you feel. Play around with things to see what happens. It is always beneficial to eat protein with carbs and fats. On protein only day, add a shake before you go to the gym.
Hi Flavia, i bought this book online last night because i want to lose my last 10 pounds, but i used to be very athletic so i have been spending most of my time trying to get rid of bulky muscle? should i not do this diet? and if i do the diet can i folllow the food plan and do yoga and walking excercises?
The food plan is the most important part of this plan…remember to only use it only for the 25 days. You will not lose as much weight if you only do yoga and walking…just an FYI
Ok, thank you so much! I really appreciate you answering my questions so promptly. You are so nice!
Hey Flavia,
on your deadline you say that vegetables are free. We grow our own tomatoes and I love tomatoes, but a 4 oz tomato is 8 carbs, but are they still free?
Yup! Don’t count the carbs in vegetables as carbs.
Hi Flavia, so I am looking at mixing Hit training with my workouts, would twice a week be good, I am trying to mix them up with the days were I end up less tired like, after my booty booster and beautiful backside. I don’t really have time to do it seperately so I thought of the doing a Hit on treadmill and some rope and some jumps. How does that sound?
By the way I finish the booty booster and Beautiful backside in about 40-45mins usually
Sounds good. The incline eliptical is good for doing intervals also. Record your routine and measure to watch your progress to see if you need to slow it down or ramp it up a notch.
ok, great! Thanks!
Hey Flavia, how large do cheat days have to be calorically? Do you think going 2x maintenance calories is enough to boost leptin?
Yup! I wouldn’t go more than 3x your normal caloric intake.
Hey Flavia, carrots are listed under free veggies in the diet, and I sometimes eat 1000 calories worth of them. Are they really “free”, because other programs do not show the same. I trust XFLD, but I just wanted to make sure, because I wouldn’t like to eat extra 1000 calories a day.
Hi Breezeah, you may want to take it easy on the carrots. Your body need colorful vegetables 8-10 a day. I would strive to have more variety instead of just carrots.
Anyone out there interested in purchasing prograde BCAAs at a lower price than listed? I started XFLD, but got headaches during the fast days. Now, I have 3 unused bottles. Email me if interested. (PS. I am not a distributor – just don’t want these to go to waste) 🙂
Im about to start the XFLD, I currently do Zumba for an hour everyday of the week and i also cycle 11 miles a day , can i do the diet and keep to my current workout or would ditching it in place of the XFLD workouts be better, I currently weigh 160lbs and im 5’5″ my goal weight is 126lbs, Do you think this is an acheivable target with my current workout combined with just the diet part of XFLD?
You should be able to lose weight doing what you are doing but just let me remind you that your body adapt to workouts that don’t have impact, varying intensities. If you can change your routine to XFLD, I’d try it if I were you.
I’m confused about the workout and Lactic Acid training. I’ve emailed the support Joel addy about 3 day and received no response yet
I ordered the bonus exercise program where Joel says everything you need is included in the videos. Then in the diet manual the exercise assignments seem to be different. Then there’s the mention of the Lactic Acid workout 1. Where is that? I purchased everything and can’t find it. I got the full explanation about Lactic Acid workouts from Roman and 2 very long list of workout moves but where is there an actual workout? So confused. And which guide to I follow – the videos for the day or the chart in the diet manual?
Also I read somewhere that you and Vice indulged in some wine on your cheat days. How many glasses did you have or could one have?
I don’t know the anwser to where everything is on Joel’s program…but Vince and I had one to two drinks on a cheat day and that was it! You don’t want to have too much alcohol ever!
Hi Flavia,
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your reply.
I live in NYC where socializing in bars is the #1 thing most do. I noticed the mention of wine on cheat days so I was curious what I might be able to get away w/ that day.
I just finished my first week, followed the workouts and the diet. Overall I have more energy than I can remember so that’s good. Unfortunately, I only lost a pound and a half and 1 inch from my waist. I’m 5/3 1/2, starting weight, 134.5, body fat percentage, 27% so I obviously need to lose and was hoping for at least a 5lb loss each cyle 🙁 Do you have any advice or tips to help me increase that weight loss for the 2nd cycle?
Hey Mandy, if you are having a lot of alcohol on the weekends, this will for sure slow your progress. I would try to have only one-two drinks per week. I know that may be difficult at first but this will get easier. Try asking for sparkling water in a wine or martini glass and squeeze some lemon and lime in it to make it feel like a real drink. Also, stay away from the sugar drinks…try having water with the alcohol or stick to wine with low sugar content. Try How To Drink While Dieting program. It has a lot of tips on how to choose the right drinks to cut many calories.
Hi Flavia,
Thanks again for replying.
I’m really not drinking anything. I had one glass of white on my first cheat day and another on T-day (my 2nd cheat day) Lately I’ve been having white wine spritzers which is half the wine than a normal glass and I always drink a glass of water or seltzer after each and I seriously pace myself. Usually one drink will last me an hour or so.
I did notice that I misunderstood the amounts of BCAA’s I’m supposed to have for the fast day and over did it my first fast day and then I forgot to take them all together on the depletion day.
I’m really hoping for better results for my next check in on Tuesday. I’m following all his workouts. Sometimes I have to break it up into 2 sessions but I do all the workouts you’re supposed to do for the day. And I really don’t mind the diet. I think the food is good and satiates me enough.
Here’s hoping to better results on Tuesday. If you have any other tips, I’m more than happy to hear them.
Do you think it’s possible to do the xfld if I follow the paleo way eating? I’d love to have cheat days, but don’t want to start eating process foods again.
Yes you could. You would just have high fat days. Won’t be as effective without eating carbs though.
Hi Flavia,
i need some help on XLFD but cant find any links or emails and the response from doesnt load, i tried for ten days straight with no results and im devastated and need some help and advice……
I don’t give advice for XFLD, you have to contact Joel: support [at]
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I just have one thing to say WOW!! You look absolutely beautiful with dark hair!!! You should highly consider going back 🙂 WOWZA!!
I did this diet for 8 weeks. I only cheated once. I didn’t find it to be as difficult or traumatic as your experience. I am thinking of doing it again.
I realize this thread is old but hopefully someone might help me. I am about to start the diet but am really confused about selecting the meals- it just seems so complicated! I was hoping someone who had done it could let me see a sample, or maybe suggest an app? It seems like such a hassle to be figuring out what to each, and I´m especially confused about the shakes. Would highly appreciate some input, thanks.
Hi Ambar,
It does take some time and calculations to get the macros you need but then you’re set for the 28 days. Make sure you read through the manuals and quick start guides, they do explain how to calculate your macros. If you have any specific questions let us know.
All the best,
Anna, CPT, FF Specialist
I was able to find good advice from your blog articles.