Uncategorized Workout Wednesday – 20-Minute-Weight-Loss Workout! 20-Minute Weight-Loss Workout Dumbbell Row + Push-UpSpiderman PlankStep-Up…FlaviaMarch 5, 2014
StretchingUpper Body Workout Wednesday – Love Your Arms Rope Workout Alternating Waves - Holding both end of the…FlaviaFebruary 26, 2014
Uncategorized Creating and Appreciating Your Lean, Sexy Body In order to truly love your body properly,…FlaviaFebruary 22, 2014
Uncategorized Workout Wednesday – Beauty Queen Full-body Workout Beauty Queen Full-body Workout: EZ Bicep Curl With…FlaviaFebruary 19, 2014
Upper Body Fitness Tip Tuesday – TRX Inverted Row How To: Using Suspension ropes, grasp the handles of…FlaviaFebruary 18, 2014
AbsStretchingWorkouts Workout Wednesday – Lose The Love Handles Side Plank with Hip Raise - Begin in side…FlaviaFebruary 12, 2014
Articles Medicine Ball Side Crunch (Tip Tuesday) Burns: 50 Calories in 10 Minutes How To: Begin…FlaviaFebruary 4, 2014
Full-Body Full Body Workout Routine For Women full body workout routine for women Full Body…FlaviaJanuary 29, 2014
Articles Romanian Deadlift workout tips for women Single Leg Romanian Deadlift…FlaviaJanuary 28, 2014