BackChestLegsShouldersWorkouts Week 3 of 8 (New Workout Series + Diet) Welcome back! I trust you enjoyed your Week 1…FlaviaApril 24, 2016
AbsArmsBackChestGlutesLegsShouldersStretchingWorkouts Week 2 of 8 (5-Day Full Body Workouts) Ready for next week's workouts? Good! I love…FlaviaApril 14, 2016
LegsWorkouts Week 1 of 8 (4-Day Body Transforming Workout) Want to get a hot body by summer?…FlaviaApril 7, 2016
AbsArmsBackChestGlutesHome WorkoutsLegsShouldersUpper BodyWorkouts The ‘Do Anywhere’ Bodyweight Workout Your body is the best training equipment in…FlaviaAugust 18, 2015
AbsBackLegs Total Body Fat-Burning Workout Warmup: A1. Bodyweight lunge - 15/leg A2. Hip…FlaviaJuly 22, 2015
GlutesHome WorkoutsLegs Reverse Lunge with Step Up The reverse lunge is a perfect exercise for…FlaviaJuly 14, 2015
AbsBackLegsWorkouts Metabolism Boosting Workout For Fat Loss Video #1 of 4 . Workout Guidelines: Exercise| Reps| Rep MAX |…FlaviaApril 1, 2015
GlutesLegs Single-Leg Good Morning For Hot Hamstrings How To: Stand with barbell on shoulders. Use…FlaviaMarch 24, 2015