Step Walkover
How To: Assume a push up position with both hands on the narrow end of a step. Your body should be in a straight line from feet to head. While shifting your weight onto your left arm, move your right hand to the floor. Shift your weight to your right arm as you place your left hand down on the floor. Step back with your left hand than your right. Repeat.
Muscles Used: Core, Triceps, Pectoralis & Back Muscles
This exercise is not intended for single workout use. The calories burned is used to show the difference between each exercise. When you look at the Squat for example, it burns so many more calories than the bicep curl. I want you ladies to see why I do pair certain exercises together.
This way, you ladies will be able to look at the exercise library (soon to come) and say, ” ok, I want to burn a lot of calories this week. I am going to put this exercise in this week (squat) and this one (lunge) and I’ll add a less calorie burning one (bicep curl) so I don’t get too tired….” You will be able to create your own workouts and have a strategic look at what you want to include in your circuits.