@1:06 – leaning back unilateral biceps cable curls
1 big drop set to failure. Find a weight you can do 8-12 reps and then drop the weight 15% for multiple drop sets.
@2:30 – standing unilateral cable triceps extensions
1 big drop set to failure. Find a weight you can do 8-12 reps and then drop the weight 15% for multiple drop sets.
@6:57 – two arms up, 1 arm down machine preacher biceps curls
This allows you to overload the negative portion of the curl where you are stronger.
1 big drop set to failure. Find a weight you can do 8-12 reps and then drop the weight 15% for multiple drop sets. then switch arms
@8:11 – two arms down, 1 arm up triceps machine extension
This allows you to overload the negative portion of the curl where you are stronger.
1 big drop set to failure. Find a weight you can do 8-12 reps and then drop the weight 15% for multiple drop sets. then switch arms
We were going to do a third exercise but we got bored and hungry! That’s what happens on a vacation workout. The focus is vacation, not working out so we took off early.
great work guys it’s gives ideas for a change up… and i’m glad u said something about that guy cos I’ve just been laughing the whole time, there’s one in every gym no matter what country hahaha!!
That guy is a total douche! How about some respect and learn how to dress. Loved the workout. Nice to change it up. Thanks guys!
Is this Wed. Workout video you posted, for women because Vince was doing it?
Also do you have exercises for women over 50?
Because done of the things you do, I cannot do anymore.
I’m trying to get back in shape, and loose about 20#.
I have been doing Karate for 12 yrs., but I haven’t worked out with weights for a long
Hey Carol, Wednesday’s workout is for women too. I don’t have anything specific for women over fifty just what you see on the blog and the programs that I promote. There was one recently that was on sale for my readers you can take a look but the sale price is over: https://fityum.infusionsoft.com/go/tssdig57fd/fd/
I’m new to this site and newsletter and I love it so far! Do you have a bicep and tricep workout that can be done at home?
Thank you so much.
Welcome Yvonne, look under workout videos and you will see a lot of home workouts! Here is one to get you started: https://flaviliciousfitness.com/2012/02/09/women-fitness-training-workout-for-triceps-biceps-and-chest/
**Important question.
So I started the day 1 of Curvalicious and I wanted to know…for the Circuits 1, 3, 4 do I perform each exercises given in each block back to back. Then would I rest for 60-90 secs before I perform the next cycle of same exercises!??!?
Im a little confused because you could read the info two different ways. Please clarify when you can because I want to do the workout circuit the correct way so my legs get lean and strong.
Again I am asking should I perform each circuit 1, 3, or 4, with the exercises back to back then rest for 60-90 secs before I perform the same exercises again. You have us doing the compound exercise by itself (which is just a basic lunge), so should I do the circuits the same way but go through each exercise once then rest the 60-90 secs?
Thank you
Arrian C.
Hey Arrian,
Yes that is right, different exercises back to back without rest until you are finished the circuit, then rest and repeat.
Oh my goodness girl I am so sore right now. Tomorrow is day 3. Im doing everything you say to do on your Step-By-Step Abs Workout pdf file.
Is this also what the Curvalicious workout hardcopy is as well? Im so stoked to do the Day 3: Abs, Hamstrings, and Glutes workout! Its exciting to see people watch and stare at me as I push through each circuit. I am loving it, and my body is responding well. I feel like its getting me out my plateau I was stuck in. Will these ab workouts get me that sweet “V” cut. Im trying so hard to achieve it but I stil have some access side hip fat! :/ that im trying to get in shape.
Is there any other workouts we get with the curvalcious or is that all we get with the step-by-step abs workout pdf? Hope you keep making more blogs and posting new workouts. I am especially interested in Glutes workouts and keeping the backside full and lifted up!
Thank you again!
Hey Arrian, glad you are liking the program and make sure you are taking time off when needed and that you are eating carbs after your workout as this helps with recovery. You get the Abds workout and Curvalicious workouts with the hardcopy as well as Advanced Amazing Abdominals! Lots for ya!
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