Shoulder and Triceps Exercises For women
Exercise 1.
Standing Shoulder Push Press – 4 x 10
Exercise Combo 2:
Cable Side Lateral Raise – 4 x 8 (plus a drop set for the last set)
Cable Front Raise – 4 x 10
Exercise Combo 3:
Leaning Prone Lateral Side Raise (dumbbells out to the side) – 4 x failure..about 10
Prone Front Raise (dumbbells out in front) – 4 x failure…8-10
Exercise 4:
Rear Fly Machine – 1 x 25
Exercise 1:
Parallel Bar Tricpes Dip – 4 x failure
Exercise Combo 2:
Cable Press Down – 4 x 8 with drop set on last set
Overhead Triceps Pressdown – 4 x 12
Exercise 4:
Dumbbell Arm Extension – 4 x 12 – Click here for video
Exercise 5:
Dumbbell Tricpes Kickback – 1 x 25
Can you tell my shoulders are my favorite muscle group to train? Next week I will give you exercises on chest and biceps!
What is a dropset?
Using drop sets is a technique for continuing an exercise with a lower weight once muscle failure has been achieved at a higher weight. Reducing the weight quickly is extremely important.
Lateral Side Raise:
12 pound dumbbell till failure – 8 reps
10 pound dumbbell till failure – 6 reps
7.5 pound dumbbell till failure – 6 reps
5 pound dumbbell till failure – 4 reps
Do them back to back and drop the weight by about 20%. Since women often use low weights, it is usually 2.5 for dumbbells and one plate when using a machine.
Like it up and pin it if you want to see more 🙂
Need more free wt exercises for those of us who don’t do this at a gym.thanks for all your great advice thus far
yes please 😉
Yes, I agree! For those of us who have no gym near and have only free weights at home, please could you give some examples of the excercises that we could do. I’m dying to learn more that I can do to make myself look like you but being able to do this at home. Thanks Flavia xx
and exercises to tighten thighs – they are getting slimmer but need to be tightened 😉
Yes, the legs are always a concern here. Need to tighten that loose skin once we lose weight also.
I love working shoulders, Thanks Flavia!!
Thank you so much . However I lost 17 lbs but now I wana tight abs . I didnt diet or anything but try to eat healthy and listen to your advice. thanks again
I’m with the free weight group. No gym available where I am. 🙂
Example of the other exercises? I’m a visual learner 😉
Flavia…Awesome workout!!! Love the way you gave a detailed video explaining the tricep move….YES! it makes a huge difference. Keep ’em coming!!!! Thanks!
Thanks Lori and thanks for helping out on the blog…much appreciated!
Hey Ladies, thanks for all your comments. I will be posting some more workouts that are suited for the home also. And I wil be doing more leg workouts too!
Thanks. I knew you would since you have been faithful to those of us who aren’t able to get to a gym. We do have a “weight room” here at the school my kids go to but it is all equipment that was donated probably 20 years ago and the weights are mostly made out of concrete. I’ll have to take a picture and send it to you so you can get a good laugh. 🙂 Thanks!