Any comments on overdeveloped traps in females from doing “heavy” BB DL’s? I love squats & DL’s but have backed off frequency of DL’s due to traps being too big, I feel. My grip gives out first but if I use straps once grip starts to fail (usually around 135#), I can do 185# for 4-5 reps.
I do bend the knees and retract the shoulders before initiating the lift. I like the extra tip about bringing BB back to thighs to engage the lats.
I don’t mean this to scare away women from doing these because it doesn’t seem to be a problem for most people plus it’s just a great exercise. I’m sure not stopping them, just decreasing frequency. 🙂
Yes, traps. I have to really watch my traps because I can over develop them. Women tend to use their traps because we don’t have a lot of muscle mass so our traps take over. One key that I use every day with every exercise and even when I am at the computer is bringing my shoulders down and back. Shrugging is what makes us build our upper traps. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, pulling your shoulders down and back as often as you think about it and it will become second nature.
Hi Flavia,
Thanks so much for your contribution to women’s fitness!!! I have been using your “Full Body-licious” workouts off and on for about 5 months. I love the interval workout style and definitely see a big difference in how I used to train and what my goals are and how this workout gets me closer to those goals. My question is, are you creating another workout series for those of us who are ready to mix it up, or rather do you have suggestions as to how we should mix it up?
Thanks so much!
Hey Christa, thanks so much! This week I am creating a workout as a bonus that will go along with a new workout Craig Ballantyne created. He is realeasing it shortly. It is very good and am tring it out this week so I can have an accurate review for you ladies. I will be creating another program like FBL but it wont be ready until April. Keep an eye out for emails about this new program coming in the new couple weeks.
Perfect timing, thanks Flavia! I have just started to include deadlifts this month in my new program. Keep up the brilliant work!! cheers Deb from Australia
As Christa posted before, I have also been working “Full Body-licious” for various weeks now and was ready to write to you, to ask you for a new routine. I am incredibly grateful for your explanations and the hard work you make me do every day, my body is definetely changing thanks to your marvelous help. It would be possible to have the new routine before April? Maybe as a Christmas present? I hope so¡¡ But more important, please let us know as soon as you have the new routine, in order to suscribre inmediately. Good luck with your work and God Bless you and your family (including your husband)
Hey Sandra, thanks for your interest. Did you get the email I sent out today? There is a link you need to go to, to download a free report on a new program Craig and Joel are putting out November 8th. IF you purchase that program, I will include a brand new program I just completed. Here is the link for the free report, great information:
Great form with the BB DLs. Can you address the difference between the BB DL that you and Vince covered in the video and “DB/BB stiff legged deadlifts” ? As you folks said, it’s always a good idea to understand and strive to perform exercises correctly so that you work the appropriate muscles instead of wasting time or worse injuring oneself.
For sure! Deadlifts, as demonstrated, is working your back. We incorporate glutes as well but we are targeting your back. Stiff legged are targeting your hamstrings, also hitting your lower back and glutes but the emphasis is on the hamstrings.
Thank You for that demo! I struggled with how to do it exactly right. Now, I was wondering about the BB Good morning. Not sure 100% the key on doing that one right either. Would LOVE a demo on that one when you get a chance!
Excellent career on this posting! I adore the way you shown your information in addition to the method anyone got significant in addition to clear to recognise. Thank you so much so much.
Let me find purchase the amazon kindle model associated with Vector’ although the way might When i obtain the DIGITAL VIDEO DISC? will it be down-loadable?
Any comments on overdeveloped traps in females from doing “heavy” BB DL’s? I love squats & DL’s but have backed off frequency of DL’s due to traps being too big, I feel. My grip gives out first but if I use straps once grip starts to fail (usually around 135#), I can do 185# for 4-5 reps.
I do bend the knees and retract the shoulders before initiating the lift. I like the extra tip about bringing BB back to thighs to engage the lats.
I don’t mean this to scare away women from doing these because it doesn’t seem to be a problem for most people plus it’s just a great exercise. I’m sure not stopping them, just decreasing frequency. 🙂
Yes, traps. I have to really watch my traps because I can over develop them. Women tend to use their traps because we don’t have a lot of muscle mass so our traps take over. One key that I use every day with every exercise and even when I am at the computer is bringing my shoulders down and back. Shrugging is what makes us build our upper traps. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, pulling your shoulders down and back as often as you think about it and it will become second nature.
Hi Flavia,
Thanks so much for your contribution to women’s fitness!!! I have been using your “Full Body-licious” workouts off and on for about 5 months. I love the interval workout style and definitely see a big difference in how I used to train and what my goals are and how this workout gets me closer to those goals. My question is, are you creating another workout series for those of us who are ready to mix it up, or rather do you have suggestions as to how we should mix it up?
Thanks so much!
Hey Christa, thanks so much! This week I am creating a workout as a bonus that will go along with a new workout Craig Ballantyne created. He is realeasing it shortly. It is very good and am tring it out this week so I can have an accurate review for you ladies. I will be creating another program like FBL but it wont be ready until April. Keep an eye out for emails about this new program coming in the new couple weeks.
Thank you! Loved the advice and the detail of the correct technique.
Perfect timing, thanks Flavia! I have just started to include deadlifts this month in my new program. Keep up the brilliant work!! cheers Deb from Australia
Dear Flavia:
As Christa posted before, I have also been working “Full Body-licious” for various weeks now and was ready to write to you, to ask you for a new routine. I am incredibly grateful for your explanations and the hard work you make me do every day, my body is definetely changing thanks to your marvelous help. It would be possible to have the new routine before April? Maybe as a Christmas present? I hope so¡¡ But more important, please let us know as soon as you have the new routine, in order to suscribre inmediately. Good luck with your work and God Bless you and your family (including your husband)
Hey Sandra, thanks for your interest. Did you get the email I sent out today? There is a link you need to go to, to download a free report on a new program Craig and Joel are putting out November 8th. IF you purchase that program, I will include a brand new program I just completed. Here is the link for the free report, great information:
Good form, Falvia! Love deadlift, perfect for glutes and back!
Hi Flavia:
Great form with the BB DLs. Can you address the difference between the BB DL that you and Vince covered in the video and “DB/BB stiff legged deadlifts” ? As you folks said, it’s always a good idea to understand and strive to perform exercises correctly so that you work the appropriate muscles instead of wasting time or worse injuring oneself.
For sure! Deadlifts, as demonstrated, is working your back. We incorporate glutes as well but we are targeting your back. Stiff legged are targeting your hamstrings, also hitting your lower back and glutes but the emphasis is on the hamstrings.
Great information. Definately adding to existing routine. Thx
Hi Flavia
Is there an alternative to this excercise to do at home since I dont have access to a gym?
Sure, you can use dumbbells instead of the barbell!
Hey Flavia!
Thank You for that demo! I struggled with how to do it exactly right. Now, I was wondering about the BB Good morning. Not sure 100% the key on doing that one right either. Would LOVE a demo on that one when you get a chance!
Sure, they are in FBL if you have it…have a look throught the video again as it is explained in detail. I will post a video in the coming weeks 🙂
Excellent career on this posting! I adore the way you shown your information in addition to the method anyone got significant in addition to clear to recognise. Thank you so much so much.
Let me find purchase the amazon kindle model associated with Vector’ although the way might When i obtain the DIGITAL VIDEO DISC? will it be down-loadable?