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NEW 9- Week Challenge with FBL and Curve Members

By August 25, 2013September 9th, 201311 Comments

Hey Flavilicious Females!

Ladies, are you ready for the ultimate challenge?!  We are taking the best Flavilicious workouts, Curvalicious & Full-Body-Licous (FBL) and combining them into the ultimate 9 week workout plan for you to OPTIMIZE the best results!! And, just when you think you have the workouts down, we’ll be throwing in some added challenges and mixing things up so you are always progressing!!

This challenge will start September 1st, where you will be taking your before pictures, measurements & weight.  We’ll be providing a workout calendar so you know what workouts to do for each day of the month.

To keep you motivated they’ll be support on the Forum!!  You can check-in and let the other ladies know how your workouts are going, ask questions or read about the other participant’s experiences as they go through the 9-week program. We’ll be providing threads to share recipes, exercise tips and motivating messages to keep you coming back for more.

Be sure to visit the forum page at and your guest coach, Lori, will be there daily to motivate & assist you  throughout the 9-weeks.

But that’s not all…

Better yet, there will be cash a prize at the end of the challenge. So, not only will you have a toned and tight body you will have the opportunity to win some cash to treat yourself to something special; a new workout outfit, smaller size jeans, fitness gear, etc…  You get to decide!


So, are you in???  Go to the Forum page and express your interest on the Flavilicious Female 9 Week Challenge thread.


What you need to start:

Full-Body-Licious: You can get it here if you don’t have it already:


Curvalicious: You can get it here if you don’t have it already:


That’s it. You can follow the challenge on the forum where Lori will be your “go-to” instructor for anything that you need to get you started or push you through to the end.


CASH PRIZE: $300 for the winner of the before and after transformation content. All you need to do is submit your pictures and the winner wins $300 CASH! Whoot Whoot! Submit your before picture here before you get started:

CHALLENGE STARTS SEPTEMBER 1st  and all participants must start by Sept 5th. 


Here is a quick look at what the challenge is all about:


Week1-4 Week5-9

 If you are wondering what scarecrows are, Lori have been sweet enough to demonstrate these for us:

best shoulder exercises for women

Start Position

shoulder workout for women

Finish Position


Join the discussion 11 Comments

  • Megan says:

    Woohoo! Ready to get my body in shape for the holidays, gonna finish out 2013 looking awesome! I’m going to be coming off of theFBL 6 week challenge, and I’m ready to mix things up! If any of you ladies are in, make sure you head to the forum, we had a great group of girls for support on the FBL 6 week challenge

    Congrats on your baby girl, Flavia (and Vince)! Super excited for you both! 🙂

  • Karly says:

    SO excited for this challenge – it’s going to rock for sure!! Can’t wait to finish 2013 out strong!

    I’d also like to extend congratulations to Flavia & Vince on your precious little girl!! 🙂

  • Henriette says:

    How do i get started? can’t get in to the homepage, you have linked?

    • Anna says:

      Hi Henriette,
      To enter the challenge please submit your before pictures, measurements and starting to the helpdesk at I encourage you to go to the forums and post about your journey under Any Flavilicious Program-Challenge Thread! Lori will be on the forums daily for motivation and encouragement. She will also answer any questions you may have!
      Thanks! We look forward to hearing about your 9-week transformation story!
      All the best,
      Anna, CPT, FF Specialist

  • rebekah says:

    OMG… it is a must join!… I am coming off the 6week FBL challenge also and it was amazingly great.. there is so much support.. you’ll get addicted. there is also so much great information.. you will not want to miss a workout. I am not where I want to be yet… but my body and mind feel so much better
    YAAY can’t wait to transform!…

  • Lora says:

    Can I do this pregnant? It’s my 3rd and I’m 7weeks and still feeling good.

  • Trisha Roncin says:

    I’m so excited to get started!!! How do we get started. I’m just coming up 4 months after a hip relacement and need to loose this weight and get Heath again.

    • Anna says:

      Hi Trisha,
      To enter the challenge please submit your before pictures, measurements and starting to the helpdesk at I encourage you to go to the forums and post about your journey under Any Flavilicious Program-Challenge Thread! Lori will be on the forums daily for motivation and encouragement. She will also answer any questions you may have!
      Thanks! We look forward to hearing about your 9-week transformation story!
      All the best,
      Anna, CPT, FF Specialist

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