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Food Friday – 10 Reasons To Drink Lemon Water

By March 7, 20144 Comments

lemon water diet

10 Reason You Should Drink Lemon Water

  1. Helps fight viral infections
  2. Clears your skin
  3. Boosts immune system
  4. Aids digestion
  5. Excellent source of potassium
  6. Reduces inflammation
  7. Freshens breath
  8. Great energy boost
  9. Cleanses your system
  10. Helps you lose weight

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Thanks Flavia for the excellent tips on how to get the most benefit from drinking pure, refreshing water with a twist!


  • Dan says:

    Hi Flavia, I’m concerned about the erosion to teeth that the constant exposure to acidic lemon will cause. Do you think this will happen?

    • Anna says:

      Hi Dan,
      I usually drink my lemon water with a straw and I know Sara Solomon (who is a dentist and personal trainer/fitness model) does this as well. 🙂
      All the best!
      Anna, CPT, FF Specialist

  • Sophia says:

    Another tip to help prevent erosion of tooth enamel is by rinsing/swishing with a cup of water after drinking lemon water.

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