Due to the high usage of spam filters used by email providers, there is a chance some of my emails will not reach your Inbox unless you follow the instructions below to add me to your “friends list” which will ensure that you will be added to the Flavilicious Fitness VIP Newsletter…
1. First, if you find email from us in your Gmail spam folder, select our email and click the “Not Spam” button.
2. Next, open an email that you have received from us
3. Click on the little down-pointing-triangle-arrow next to “Reply”:
4. Click “Add Flavia Del Monte to Contacts list”
Once that is done you want to push our emails to your ‘personal’ folder to ensure you don’t miss ANY emails. Here is how to do this:
1. Open on an email from me (Flavia Del Monte).
2. Select the dropdown menu from the ‘More’ tab at the top.
3. Click ‘Filter messages like this’.
4. Click the bottom right corner of the box that says ‘Create filter with this search>>’
5. Ensure ‘Categorize as:’ is selected and from the dropdown menu select ‘Personal’.
6. Click ‘Create Filter’ to save.
To make sure email gets delivered to your AOL inbox, you must add the email address or corporate domain of the sender to your Address Book or Custom Sender List.
1. Click the “Spam Controls” link on the lower right side of your inbox screen.
2. When the “Mail & Spam Controls” box appears, click the “Custom sender list” link.
3. Choose the “allow email from ” option.
4. Add the domain or email address you would like to receive mail from, then click “Add”
5. Click “Save”
Yahoo! Mail
If you’re not receiving email you are expecting, there are two things you can do:
1. Use the “Not Spam” button in your Bulk folder.
2. Create a filter to automatically send email from certain domains to your Inbox. This is the only way to really ensure delivery.
Report as “Not Spam”
1. Check your Yahoo! Bulk folder
2. If you see the email from , highlight it and click “Not Spam”
This does not guarantee that your mail will be delivered in the future, but it does help.
Create a Filter
1. Click “Options” in the top right navigation bar
2. Select “Mail Options” from the list that drops down
3. Choose “Filters” located on the left side of the page
4. Click the “Add” button on the Filters page
5. Select the “From header:” rule, and add “contains” “flavia@flaviliciousfitness.com”
6. Click the “Choose Folder” pull down menu and select ‘Inbox’
Outlook 2003 – 2007
1. Go to Actions in your toolbar and select Junk E-mail.
2. Go to Junk E-mail Options and click the Safe Sender tab.
3. Click Add and type in flavia@flaviliciousfitness.com.
4. Click OK.
Live.com, Windows Live and MSN
1. Check the “Junk” folder if you do not see the in your inbox.
2. Click the “Mark as safe” link.
3. Add to your Safe List.
Mozilla Thunderbird
To whitelist in Thunderbird, you will need to add flavia@flaviliciousfitness.com to your address book, and then set up your Thunderbird Junk Mail Controls to whitelist your address book.
1. Check the Junk folder. If a message from flavia@flaviliciousfitness.com is there, right-click on our email and choose “Mark as Not Junk”
2. Click the Address Book button
3. Highlight the Personal Address Book
4. Click on “New Card”
5. In the “Contact” tab of the new card, add flavia@flaviliciousfitness.com to the email dialog box
6. Click “Ok”
7. Go to “Tools > Junk Mail Controls” from the drop down menu
8. Update the “White Lists” module under the “Settings” tab by selecting “Personal Address Book” from the drop down menu, and then check the box next to “Do not mark messages as junk mail”
9. Click “Ok”
Mac OS X Mail
1. If a message from flavia@flaviliciousfitness.com is in your junk folder, highlight or open it and click “Not Junk” at the top
2. Go to Mail > Preferences… from the menu
3. Go to “Rules” and Click “Add Rule”
4. Name the rule: Vince Del Monte
5. Create the following rule: “If any of the following conditions are met: ‘From’ ‘Contains’”, then add flavia@flaviliciousfitness.com
6. Actions:” Move Message to”: Inbox