Hi there 🙂 I am really enjoying your Curvalicious gym workouts 🙂 However, I am on week 3, and yet haven’t got to the point of completing all the circuits in one day.. ie. Legs I believe has 2 circuits with a warm up.. Is it more effective to get results by doing all the circuits in one day? PS> instead of printing out your worksheets etc, I put them as a PDF on my iphone a long with the videos 🙂
Hi Farhat,
You want to work up to completing the entire workout in one day. Just keep doing the best you can, as much as you can and try to do a little bit more each time. You will eventually get to where you can do all the circuits with ease 🙂
All the best!
Anna, CPT, FF Specialist
Great motivation Flavia! Thank you for keeping us in mind and for giving us some energy and strengh to keep moving!
I’m sharing this!
Hugs, Lucie
Thanks Flavia, I needed this one today! Love it!
So true. Thanks Flavia for inspiring me.
Another great motivation caption to frame, I even love the font! Thanks Flavia for everything, you are GREAT!
Hi Flavia,
Great words to live by.
Not sure if you are aware bu there is a mistake in the red words written underneath the picture.
“imagine with all your HEART” should be “MIND”.
Thanks and have a great day.
Hi there 🙂 I am really enjoying your Curvalicious gym workouts 🙂 However, I am on week 3, and yet haven’t got to the point of completing all the circuits in one day.. ie. Legs I believe has 2 circuits with a warm up.. Is it more effective to get results by doing all the circuits in one day? PS> instead of printing out your worksheets etc, I put them as a PDF on my iphone a long with the videos 🙂
agree with Anna. Work your way there and keep up the good work!
Hi Farhat,
You want to work up to completing the entire workout in one day. Just keep doing the best you can, as much as you can and try to do a little bit more each time. You will eventually get to where you can do all the circuits with ease 🙂
All the best!
Anna, CPT, FF Specialist