- Turn bruschetta into a healthy side dish. Add beets to this salad for more flavor!
Bruschetta Salad Recipe
Author: Flavia Del Monte
Recipe type: Salad
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Serves: 2
Since bread is the "unhealthy" part of bruschetta, why not eliminate the bread and still have the taste of the oil, tomatoes and basil in a salad.
- 2 medium beets (optional)
- 2 ripe roma tomatoes, chopped
- 2 oz goat cheese, crumbled
- 1 tbsp green onion, finely chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, grated
- 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tbsp fresh basil, finely chopped
- sea salt and pepper to taste
- Carefully wash dirt off the beets, taking care not to break the skin or roots. Place the beets in a saucepan, cover with boiling water, and cook covered until tender. Young beets will be done in 30 to 40 minutes depending on their size, while old beets will require 1 hour or more.
- Peel skin off beets while still warm and chop to desired size. Place in fridge to cool about 1 hour.
- When beets are cool, add all ingredients to a bowl, mix well and serve.
For a quick and easy salad, skip the beets and have a refreshing bruschetta salad.
Calories do not include the vegetables. This is a F + V with some protein.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 Calories: 253 Fat: 22.5g Carbohydrates: 5g Sugar: 2g Protein: 6g
I love bruschetta! A lot of the times I do just eat it for a snack without the bread. Delizioso! The amazing thing is that all of my kids love it too and they don’t even like tomatoes!
Hey there! I have a question related to food but not the receipe in this article. I recently purchased your Curvalicious program and I’m really struggling to keep the grams of carbs and fats down in certain meals :(. This is what my basic meal plan looks like (with variations depending on the day and time of workout):
M1: omelette (2 oz meat, 2 eggs, 1/4c veggies)
M2: salad (2 oz meat, 2c veggies)
M3&4: stirfry (2 oz meat, 2c veggies, 1/2-1c brown rice)
M5: 1 md fruit, 13-15 nuts, 1/2c yogurt OR 1/2c guacamole&salsa with 1 handful kale chips
Am I getting enough carbs and protein or should I add more? I’m also doing 3 days of HIIT and 1 day of SSC. Your advice is always appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Did you get the meal plans? I can’t answer this cause I don’t know your weight and calorie level. When you calculate the carbs and fats in grams does it equal the amount suggested in the nutrition guide?
From what I am seeing there aren’t any carbs other than 1 piece of fruit…veggies aren’t really carbs. You need to up the carbs for sure and 2oz of meat seems super low too!
Thank you so much! I see now I got a bit confused with the math. I am having trouble trying to figure out how many grams per meal of each macronutrient I need. When I calculated my total caloric intake I came up with 1540 per day (110 lbs x 14 times my weight); I figured that to be about 308 per meal (1540/5). This is where I am stuck at 🙁 I am able to follow and understand the first part of your example (calculating total calories per day and calories per meal) but I am a bit confused on the second part (calculating the calories and grams per day of each macronutrient, as I am assuming that the pie chart portions represent a complete day of calories). I am not sure how you are calculating the numbers (ex: PROTEIN 2100 x 0.30=350 cal, 630 cal/4=~157g; CARBS 2100 x 0.40=100 cal, 840 cal/4=~210g; FATS 2100 x 0.30=600 cal, 630 cal/5=~70g). If you could further elaborate on the second part of your example I would be so very appreciative! Also, if my pie chart assumption is wrong please correct me. I’m so excited to start your curve plan but I know nutrition is my weakest part and by planning out the meals I should be eating now (how much of what, exactly) I will save myself a lot of confusion and stress later.
Oh! I almost forgot to ask–is brown rice or white rice better to eat as a pre and post workout carb?
Hey Heather, email me in the helpdesk and I can help you from there.
That is not “bruschetta”, that is just a variation of insalata caprese.