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Flexible Friday – Child’s Pose Back Stretch

By March 29, 2012April 16th, 20146 Comments

Child’s Pose Back Stretch

Workouts for womenWorkouts for women


Starting Position/ Form: Sit back on your heels and allow your arms to move over your head.

The Child’s Pose is a beginner yoga pose that stretches the muscles of the low back, as well as the inner thighs. This is a popular yoga pose, and it is great to help stretch the lower back after a tough ab workout or core workout.

For those with tight back and hip muscles, this will feel like work. The child’s pose promotes flexibility, stress relief and helps circulation to the muscles, joints and disks of the back.

Learn More About Yoga Stretching Here

<– Click here for more on stretching


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  • Lori says:

    Flavia…Until I did your program, I never focused on stretching afterward and I can’t believe what a difference it makes. This last 12-week round(I’ve done your program 2x…finishing up the 2nd round today!), I incorporated Bikram yoga and now I’m really not only seeing a difference in my overall body but my flexibility has improved especially when doing deadlifts! Most importantly, the pain and discomfort in my right shoulder is completely gone and I have a full range of motion.

    So happy to hear that you are filming for your upcoming release workout program. I’m looking forward to it!!! My body is tight, toned and strong and I attribute it to your workouts and clean eating. Thank you for creating a program that works for everyone, even me who is pushing 50 years old. 🙂

  • Meredith says:

    Youre the best Flavia!!!!

  • Great information. Flavia, What motivated you to call this blog “Child’s Pose Back Stretch”, not that the title does not go with the content, I am just wondering. Thank you for the info Flavia.

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