Hamstrings and Glutes Workout For Women
This circuit was another tough workout Ryan put me through. Listen carefully to the reasoning behind the exercises chosen and exercise order, something I incorporated into FULL-BODY-LICIOUS.
Photoshoot prep: Week 2 of 8 Completed…first week with Ryan done!
If you are looking to round out your booty, deep squats are your BEST choice. In order to activate your glutes, you must push up through your heels.
Meet Your Gluteus Maximus
The gluteus maximus is your butt muscle. It works anytime you adduct your thigh, rotate your leg so your feet are pointing outward and when you are in a squatting position. The purpose of your glutes is to help you stand up by straightening your hips. It is therefore working with virtually every leg exercise.
See also Simple Glute Activating Exercise
Any questions? Leave them below and don’t forget to hit the like and share button!
Possible to get the big guy miked up? Can barely make him out.
Yes, thanks!
Thanks Flavia looks like a tough circuit! I’m taking a week off now due to elbow, knee and ankle pain. 🙁 Hopefully I’ll get better soon and will be able to try this circuit!
Yes I hope so too. Take care of your joints, heal fully before getting back. Use ice and heat Anna!
Thank you! 🙂
on the last exercise single leg curl
if no access to a gym
what can you do at home?
thank you
You could do a single leg curl on the ball or throw a towel on the floor and curl it.
Ooh! Nice circuit there Flavia! Some very tricky exercises there – I’ll be incorporating these into my leg session tomorrow 🙂
Thanks Flavia!
Great ham – glute circut. Your trainer said you do 3 rounds.
So how many reps? Is it the same for all 3 rounds?
Yes, 3 rounds the same. I think I was doing 15 reps..or as much as I could do
I added this circut to The “Tight & Trim Thighs” workout and really felt it after, it was great!
You look incredible, ripped hamstrings! How much weight were you using in the squat?
Thanks Anna, how are your joints?? I was using a 45 pound barbell and I belive just 10 on each side.
My joints are doing better. I haven’t been able to workout yet but I’m thinking I’ll try and start next Monday. Thanks for asking 🙂 I’m really enjoying going through your photo shoot preperation journey with you, can’t wait to see your diet next week!
Great to hear Anna and thanks!
hello flavia, i’ve been browsing throughout your blog. I’m nineteen, and i weigh 105 pounds and i’m about 5ft 6 inches. I’m pretty skinny and i need to gain some weight. I’m looking forward for some arm exercises that can be performed at home.
thanking you in advance
Hey Vania. Here is a tip, eat carbs around your workout so you can add muscle. Adding muscle is accomplished through what you eat and how your train so don’t be afraid to eat more if you are trying to add muscle. All the best!
Would these exercises separate that area right under the glute from the hams and lift the glutes?
OH YA, the tie in…love that area toned.
I did this circuit today and Flavia, you make it look so much easier than it actually is! Those hamstring hyper extensions are super hard! I couldn’t do them near as gracefully as you. 🙂 Your exercise videos make my muscles burn much more than any other program, Thank you!!! Whenever I think about straying from my diet or not working out I just think “I can’t get a body like Flavia’s by eating this or by not working out” so then I go do my workout and eat my healthy food 🙂 Thank you!
You go girl! Thanks so much Anna 🙂
hely flavia. I’m nseventeen, and i weigh 98pounds and i’m about 5ft 5inches. im very skinny and i want to gain some weight because prom is coming soon and i dont want to look this skinny, im going to join the gym soon but i have no idea what exercises i can do. so im looking forward for some full body exercises. thanks 🙂
Hey Daniela, do the circuits Ryan and I show you through the videos, except take about 2 minutes rest between each one. Also, do only 6-8 reps on at least one of the exercises on the circuit. That should help. Make sure you eat protein and carbs a few times throughout the day to build up those muscles.
thank you so much
Hey, great workouts and you make so much sense!! Im a nurse too and was wondering if you could give me some exersizes that i could do after work as i do 13 hour shifts and the thought of going to the gym after that is not appealing!!! Im just needing a 10 min sess that will keep me going till my day off. Cant wait till May 21st!!!
Hola quería saber el nombre y que músculos trabajan el ejercicio en el que el profesor te tiene los tobillos y te dejas caer
Hi Flavia,
This has to be one of my favorite workouts! I’m trying to tone and get those hamstrings’ back in tip top shape. When you’re on the leg curls how much weight is ideal? My overall goal is to drop at 22-27 lbs to be back at the 115-120 range. I know weight is nothing but a number but that’s where I’ve been when I felt at my best. Any suggestions???
Thanks again!! 🙂
When it comes to weights you want the last 2 or 3 reps to feel tough. That is for ALL lifting exercises. It will be different for everyone.